May. 10th, 2008


More Worldbuilding Links

Two of these I've found while researching over the past week and three from [info]pearly_dreams (thanks). :-)

From me:

How to draw nice maps Since my attempts at drawing a map with a pencil on paper fail epically when I try and draw mountains I think I'll try this once I get a new tablet (the old one is caput).

The Climate Wizard select your approxinmate latitude and answer a few questions and it'll give you examples from the real world to help with your world-building.

From [info]pearly_dreams:

30 days of World Building. (I love the look of this one so much I'm considering creating a blog specifically to keep notes on while I use it. If I do I'll crosspost on here).

Medieval Demographics Made Easy.

FARP Fantasy Art Resource Project at Elfwood.

Hopefully people will find these useful as well. :-)

May. 7th, 2008


A couple of World Building links

Since people liked the link I posted in my last post I thought I'd mention a couple of links I've found useful.

Fantasy World Building Questions - a very in depth set of questions about the world and culture you are building. Aimed mostly at fantasy but adaptable to other forms of SpecFic.

A really neat idea for getting inspiration for your maps

Doing Tolkien Wrong: Why Fantasy Shouldn't Follow in Tolkien's Footsteps Very interesting article.

Hope people find these useful and if you have any favoured links that help with your world building why not share them here.