June 17th, 2010

[info]dennysmore in [info]specficwriters

Dark Tales - Bk I: The Invisible Chains - Chapter 42: The Ninth Mukthar

Title: Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book I: The Invisible Chains
Author: [info]eurypon
Format: Novel - Original characters
Length: Chapter: 9 833 words - Total: 336 985 words (June 6th, 2010)
Status: WIP
Rating: NC-17 - M - M/M Slash
Warnings: Violence, incest, rape, non-con, domination may all occur in varying degrees

Chapter 42: The Ninth Mukthar

Guess who was the main cause for Mukthar dress coming into fashion? Emelasuntha and Sobrathi dig deeper into Anaxantis's inner circle from their hide out at Sermyn's farm. Dtain and his men settle in at their chosen look-out post from where they keep an eye on the Queneq Pass. Anaxantis watches maneuvers of part of his army and prepares for war on a more personal level. His private life keeps disrupting his responsibilities, but Hemarchidas has his back. Emelasuntha and Sobrathi reminisce but are interrupted and forced to flee before the Black Shields. Lorcko settles in with the Mukthars but is still shunned by his peers...

Link: Ximerion

[info]dennysmore in [info]specficwriters

Dark Tales★Bk I: The Invisible Chains★Chapter 43: Robbers and Rogues

Title: Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book I: The Invisible Chains
Author: [info]eurypon
Format: Novel - Original characters
Length: Chapter: 10 004 words - Total: 346 989 words (June 15th, 2010)
Status: WIP
Rating: NC-17 - M - M/M Slash
Warnings: Violence, incest, rape, non-con, domination may all occur in varying degrees

Chapter 43: Robbers and Rogues

Guess who turns out to be the traitor?

Anaxantis gets news from his mother and Tomar solves Iftang's money problems in a very creative way, but with a result he didn't exactly expect. Lee-Lack Scarminckle, the leader of the Mirkadesh Plain Robbers is looking for Anaxantis's sentry posts. Tenaxos comes to a decision about the situation in the Northern Marches. Emelasuntha and Sobrathi finally learn who the traitor is. Rullio tries to investigate what happened to his friend and gets some good news. Anaxantis confronts the traitor. Later he explains to Hemarchidas his theory about Timishi's Mukthars...

Link: Ximerion