Jan. 8th, 2009


Training . R

Fandom: CSI. Nick/Greg
Words: 380
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Author’s Notes: Written for [info]drabbles100 on LJ. Prompts #12 Grey, #20 Colourless, and #39 Taste.
Summary: Nick watches Greg submit during at night at Lady Heather’s Dominion.

Nick watched as Greg’s arms were bound first, )


Sick Love Song . NC17

Fandom: CSI. Nick/Greg
Words: 521
Disclaimer: Not mine, I wish.
Author’s Notes: Written for [info]drabbles100 on LJ. Prompts #22 Enemies, #33 Too Much, #52 Fire, #70 Storm, #74 Dark.
Summary: Greg takes out his anger in sex.

Greg’s head hung off the side of the bed, )