Jun. 23rd, 2008


[fic] Secrets

Name: Secrets
Author: hikaru_maxwell
Pairing: Bamho, Jaemin (minor hints)
Warning: crack!fic, humor
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me....if they did, would I be here writing this?
Summary: Some things are better left unspoken....even when you think you are alone

What would people say, if they knew? )

Urm, yeah. Don't ask. This was inspired by [info]virdant's wonderful ficlets.

Part 1: Mental State
Part 2: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.

You don't have to read them first to understand this, but I highly recommend it.

Read and review, pl0x?

Jun. 22nd, 2008


[fic] JaeMin, Yunchun, OT5 ~ If a storm could drown your tears...

Name: If a storm could drown your tears....
Author: hikaru_maxwell
Pairing: Jaemin, Yunchun, OT5
Warning: death!fic, experiments in writing without dialogue
Summary: 5-2 = ???

Is this our farewell? )

Gah, sadfic......*flails* Why is it always sadfic? What happened to my crackmuse? I know, I killed off my favorite boys. Please don't kill me? *cowers and ducks the flying objects thrown from the peanut gallery*

Read and review, pl0x?


[fic] JaeMin ~ Always be here

Title: Always be here...
Author: hikaru_maxwell
Series: TVXQ
Pairings: Jaemin, yoosu implied.
Rating: PG13ish
Disclaimer: I don't own them, cause if I did, I'd be locked in a closet with jae and min right now.

Coming home was never supposed to be this hard... )


[fic] JaeMin ~ The Mission

Title: The Mission
Author: hikaru_maxwell
Pairings: Jaemin (DBSK), implied kyumin (ss501)
Rating: PG15?
Disclaimer: I don't own these boys, cause if I did, Jaemin would be MINE! <3~
Summary: Jaejoong wants to know why the maids have such a problem with Changmin's room.

And Jaejoong had no idea what he was getting into. )

So this was my first DBSK fandom fic. I'm not really sure if I wrote them correctly, (although the reviews on _starcandy pretty much said I did) or if this is even cracktastic enough to please s7nluv, but I tried. The Kyumin is all for her.

PS. I <3 that Changmin's logic fails in this. It was deliberate, I tell you. Deliberate!