Some Reality Web
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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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April 4th, 2020



[No Subject]

[Cassie S]

I know you're just worried. I just need to get used to that again.

I promise if there's something going on with me that you need to know, I'll tell you.


Is that your sister that just arrived? :/

ETA: [The Entity]

So, I don't know if you'll see this and I'm not sure how to go about asking you for something but at home I'm the CEO of Wayne Enterprises and I'm missing having something to do with my time.

Would it be possible for it to be here, too? I miss my company and I'd like to be able to help do some good here. Thanks.



[No Subject]


You doing okay now, sprout? How're you feeling? I fixed up the sidewalk for you, it doesn't even look like anything happened.

[Wanda & Pietro]

Are you both okay from earlier?



[No Subject]

Some of you need to work on your reactions.

Let me know if anything needs fixing that can't be done with a hammer.



[No Subject]

So I hear that I missed the random appearance of a Disney park. That's a bummer. Though... at the same time, I feel like such things are probably put in place here to lull us into a false sense of security.

... I think I need something to do with my time. So in the meantime, for those of you that I haven't met yet, I'm Sergeant Miranda Sanchez, US Army. If there is any place here in need of cybersecurity, I'm your gal.



[No Subject]

Where does someone buy a shelf in the middle of a pseudo-city?

[ Josie ]

I know I've missed a lot of what's gone on for you over the past few months? but that doesn't mean I don't know when something's up with you. You can tell me if you need someone to talk to. It kind of seems like you might.

[ Legacies spoilers below! ]



[No Subject]

[The Entity]
Every time someone lives with me they disappear and leave me alone again. So I was thinking maybe this time I could just stay on my own if that's okay. I know it's a lot of space. The only thing would be if someone from home came then I'd still want to live with them, but I think if that was going to happen it already would have by now.




[FILTER: Harry Potter Crew]

May I ask a favor? I'll owe you one.



[No Subject]

thank you everyone

[miss rogue]
i think it is time i learned control. pym was maybe right that i need lessons



miss jean

[backdated to early afternoon]

is there a way i can make sure what happened yesterday doesn't happen again? that really hurt.



[No Subject]

[ Text to Allison ]

» Hey are you busy?



[No Subject]

Going to need to replace that-

I am not quite sure I get the television. There are an awful lot of hand-drawn shows?


I believe BD and I have a rather crude speech modulator built that will work for now. I don't exactly have the work table I had back home so this will work until I can figure out how to scrap better parts. Thanks for the tip on the scrapyard.



[No Subject]

[Steve Rogers]

Hey Captain Cutie,

I'm in desperate need of getting the hell out of the house for a while. You busy?



[No Subject]

Hey, um. Can I ask you something?

Have you noticed anything off about Allison?