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January 2022

I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.


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February 29th, 2020



[No Subject]

im ready for the trees to stop being edible now.

[Clint & Nat]
are you sure you dont mind me staying with james? feels like your place is a little tightly packed. ready to outstay my welcome

i still wont be there every night or anything.



[No Subject]

[ NAT ]
We might wanna see about a bigger apartment...

I take it you've met the mop of blond that's been in the pillow fort? Resembles grumpy cat? Grunts in response to questions? Makes like a turtle half the time?

If you have serious opposition to Francis possibly being a semi-permanent resident, now's the time to voice it.

Does Francis know he's fucking adorable in a grumpy and argumentative way?



[No Subject]

Oh, thank whatever higher power that isn't the entity. I don't know if I was imagining it or what, but even the air was starting to taste like sugar.

[ Landon, Tandy, Pepper, Damon ]

I'm going for a long long run. Don't worry.



[No Subject]

Vision used to say that leap days were an inelegant solution to an inelegant problem. She never did come up with anything better though.

Anyway, tomorrow doesn't really exist, so do something crazy that you normally wouldn't. It's science.

[No Subject]

Anyone wanna spend the day watching horrible cheerleading movies with me? I'm thinking Sugar & Spice, But I'm A Cheerleader, this one I found called Cheerleader Ninjas.



[No Subject]

People born on Leap Day are known as Leaplings! I have to admit, I love my birthday even if I only experience it officially every four years. This is a bonus considering back home I just had my actual birthday a few years ago when I turned sixteen.

I also meet Candy King? I have more sweets than I can possibly eat so feel free to help yourself.

Now, what everyone has been waiting for... A puppy picture!

A cute puppy picture! )



[No Subject]

I should have done this sooner but before I could, the place turned into a candy nightmare. My name is Oliver Queen, I have no idea how I got here but it sounds like nobody else does either so at least I'm not alone.



[No Subject]

Now that the candy is gone, anyone want to help Maya and Lizzie finish moving into my apartment? There will be pizza.



[No Subject]

Tag yourself I'm Swagittarius



[No Subject]

To the people who found King Candy: thank you.

I wasn't prepared to spend another week in that hellhole. Just looking at it made my teeth hurt.

You're welcome to shoot me if you're getting tired of private messages.

But you need some cooler kicks and clothes, I have money, let's do it.



[No Subject]

So no more candy land which is a plus.

Still feeling totally out of my depth and struggling missing home which is stupid to say considering how old I am, but family's important.

More now than ever.

Maybe a run will help.



[No Subject]

hey. so i know youre not feeling too great right now and talking face to face isnt something we do all that well so you know im here to help, right?

so im apparently going shopping with my brother someone but if you wanna hang out after id be down?