Snarry Fic Find's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 20 most recent ones recorded in Snarry Fic Find's InsaneJournal:

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    Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
    7:26 pm
    Fic search: Jewelry, gifts
    I'm looking for a fic that I read years ago and consequently remember very little about. I believe it was chaptered, or at least a decent length, but all I remember is that Harry went shopping for a christmas/birthday gift for Severus while he was still a student and before they began their relationship. He got Severus a pendant in the shape of a lightning bolt in something called Ruby-in-Zoiscite. I remember because it was so unusual. Is this ringing any bells with anyone?

    Current Mood: sick
    Monday, November 24th, 2008
    10:04 pm
    Anyone Watching Snarry Holidays?
    Help me find some new stuff to read? )
    Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
    4:14 pm
    FOUND: Calling Snape
    I'm looking for a snarry fic, at least a couple of years old, in which Harry calls a sex hotline hoping for someone who sounds like Snape. He has called in the past and is thrilled to discover that they do have someone that might fit his requirements at last. Little does he know that it is the real Snape. I'm afraid I have no idea how long this was or how much of a plot it had. For all I remember it might well have been just PWP. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
    Monday, October 27th, 2008
    2:17 am
    I'm looking for a snarry - a multi-chaptered fic, where Snape & Harry end up living in Dove Cottage, former home of poet William Wordsworth in the Lake district, post-war. Any ideas?
    Thursday, October 16th, 2008
    10:25 pm
    hello fic finders
    does anyone know where i can find the fic 'Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme'?

    thasnk you

    Saturday, September 20th, 2008
    2:59 pm
    Looking for Bottom!Severus fic
    I'm looking for new Bottom!Severus!Snarrys. Could anyone recommend some to me? Both one-shot and novel-length are acceptable.No BDSM please. Thank you in advance ^___^!
    Thursday, September 11th, 2008
    7:18 pm
    For the life of me, I can't seem to remember the name of a fic. I do remember that it was epilogue compliant up to a point. The rest behind a cut due to MAJOR spoilers )
    Sunday, August 17th, 2008
    6:35 pm
    unrequited love
    I am in the mood for unrequited love fics. I would really like it to be Harry with the unrequited love. It would be great if the object of his love is inappropriate for what ever reason.
    Monday, June 23rd, 2008
    12:19 am
    Broken Link?
    Hey guys. For some reason I cannot get the link to the Snarry Games fic by Sinick & Ac1d6urn- "Red Right Hand" to work.

    Is it just me? I can access other Snarry Game fic, but not that one.
    Sunday, June 8th, 2008
    9:41 pm
    I'm looking for a snarry a read a few years back. All I remember is that harry had trouble ajusting to 'normal' life at Hogwarts and moved into Snape's cupboard because it was the only place he could sleep. I also seem to remember a chapter in which Snape yelled at Harry and so Harry hid in Filch's broom cupboard. Anyone remember this?

    FOUND: An Unconventional Relationship by TC REGAN and Sophie Richard
    Friday, June 6th, 2008
    2:52 am
    Fic search

    I am looking for a fic, because being who i am, i forget the names and the authors, so if anyone know this  fic.

     I read this one a few months ago - Harry is the aprentice of a nasty Master, and Severus saves him.
    I thing that Harry ends up taking two Masteries, one in Healing another in Potions, and the Healing Master was the same that tought Severus.

    It's all i remember, if anyone can help me, i realy appreciate.


    Blessed Be


    Current Mood: crappy
    Saturday, May 31st, 2008
    4:29 pm
    Hot Snarry
    I am looking for your most fav, dirtiest, hotest, kinkest, sexest Snarry. I am really in the mood for something hot, and I will read anything Snarry.
    Thursday, March 27th, 2008
    8:37 pm
    Looking for a fic...

    I have the info but I can't seem to find an alternative archive. I've checked the author's website and several different archives. I've also googled, does anyone happen to know if it is archived somewhere?

    Title: A Thousand Times
    Author: Darkangel Rose
    Pairing: SS/HP
    Rating: PG 13
    Summary: He has died a thousand times

    Found: A Thousand Times
    Sunday, March 2nd, 2008
    8:26 pm
    Fic find help
    I remember three things about this particular fic:
    1. Harry is away, I think waiting for a particular plant to bloom, to collect it for an ingredient.
    2. Harry & Severus are writing each other and getting to know each other that way.
    3. Harry meets a relative of Severus while away, and writes him about it.

    Hope that's enough to go on!
    Saturday, January 26th, 2008
    3:18 pm
    Help needed
    Hi All, I'm looking for a fic where Snape, as he was gathering potion ingredients, was abducted by a group of creatures that fed on human sexual energy at some remote island. He was there for a long time, but somehow managed to escape and later re-surfaced in a pub as someone with tremendous sexual allure. He was immensely attracted to Harry because he sees blinding white light when he sees Harry.

    I don't remember the name nor the author of that story, it was medium length I believe (at least 10K). This story has been stuck in my head for some reasons, and any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thursday, January 24th, 2008
    11:38 pm
    the power of the dance?
    Hey, can anyone help me find this fic:

    Crack!fic. Harry/Snape. low rating: Harry finds himself facing off with Voldemort once again, but this time, he's suddenly compelled to dance. Voldemort and his cronies are unable to resist and Harry dances them all to an early grave- except for Snape, who he tangos right into his arms.

    I have no idea who wrote it or what it was called. I can't even remember where I read it. o_0 any help would be most appreciated. ^_^
    Sunday, January 20th, 2008
    6:35 pm
    I'm hurting my brain trying to figure out where this story is. Help please... lol Its been at Borgin and Burkes, snarryficfind on lj, my journal, and in a second snarryficfind in ij. Forgive the crossposting like whoa!

    Searching for a 5th Year Hogwarts Story
    This was lifted off Borgin and Burkes.

    I am currently looking for this story I read a while ago. I believe
    it takes place during Harry's 5th year. He has a vision that Voldemort had taken Sirius hostage and he rushes to his godfather's house to see if he is there. Snape ends up spanking/caning Harry with everyone's blessing. Harry changes and becomes withdrawn and tries to be perfect.

    Has anyone read this before? I would love to know the name and or the author of this story. Thanks in advance for the help.

    If this sounds familiar, please let me know. It' not my search, so I don't have any more info than this
    Saturday, January 5th, 2008
    12:08 am
    FOUND a "perfect plan" story ...

    What a way to start the new year ... I read this maybe a month ago, on Walking the Plank, but I don't think it was a newly posted fic, just one I hadn't read before. The story goes:

    • Voldemort announces that he has come up with a "perfect plan" to kill Harry; Voldemort calls Snape and attacks him with Legimancy.
    • Snape returns to Hogwarts with little memory of his meeting with the Dark Lord, but shrugs it off as his shielded information is intact.
    • Harry is in his 7th year at Hogwarts; he finds himself being randomly sexually molested by Snape.
    • Snape behaves as though nothing odd is occurring; there are passages of internal dialog where he reviews his mental process but finds nothing odd about having sex with Harry.
    • All is revealed when Snape barely prevents himself from poisoning Harry in a moment of post-coital weakness; Voldemort, in attacking Snape at the beginning of the story, rather than taking from his mind, instead implanted a directive "to get close to Harry, then kill him".
    • Snape's feelings for Harry are so deep seated that while it seemed perfectly natural to follow the first half of the directive, "to kill Harry" is anathema, and his mind is almost torn apart by it when he resists.
    • Harry enters Snape's mind during this conflict, and together they drive out Voldemort, causing his death(?).
    • Voldemort says something like "... but it was the perfect plan ..." as he dissipates into the ether.

    Any info as to the title or author of this story will be deeply appreciated, and as always I thank you for your consideration.

    FOUND thanks to the awesome [info]loupgarou1750, at Inkstained Fingers, not Walking the Plank, its A Perfect Plan, by Seeker.

    Current Mood: cold
    Sunday, December 9th, 2007
    11:29 pm
    Dark Chocolate
    I'm rereading Dark Chocolate on Skyehawke and am on chapter seven but it seems that a part is missing. The beginning of chapter seven says something about "That Night" and refers vaguely to something important. And later in the chapter Harry refers to something sexual happening on Halloween. But the fic, until this point, has not had anything happen, even kissing. So I have the feeling that some scenes are missing. Chapter six was a vist to Diagon Alley, shopping for tyro things, then Chapter seven starts with this vague reference and then moves on into November with Harry telling Ron and Hermione that he's gay, in love with Severus and that they have 'done things'. What things? When?

    So I'm wondering, does anyone know anywhere else, link please, that I can find this story to read the missing scenes? I'd like to read them before reading more of this story.
    Saturday, December 8th, 2007
    3:34 pm
    Yule Fic

    I've been trying to remember a Yule fic, it had 12 nights of gifting, Severus and Remus were doing most of the giving. Harry and Draco and a girl(younger student of Severus') were staying with him, and for whatever reason they stayed at Severus' manor. Harry had never celebrated a traditional Yule and it was decided that he and Draco(seems that he was Severus' ward) would be given this sort of holiday season. The girl studen didn't celebrate Yule so she spent a portion of the holiday with Severus' grounds keeper who's family didn't either. There was a feast in Severus' hall on Boxing day where the elves were treated and various people who worked for and with Severus and the grounds keeper's wife were also feasted. Harry and Draco dressed up and helped serve, as did others, Remus has a S.O. that he'd met while they were out clubing. As far as I can remember it was Snarry or pre-slash. I remember reading it last holiday season, and I would like to say that it was associated with one of the seasonal fests.

    Thanks and chocolate covered Snarry drinks o' doom.

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: Neurosonic: So Many People
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