November 8th, 2008

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Fic: Eighth Year

Title: Eighth Yea
Author: [info]meri_oddities
Giftee: [info]dementordelta
Word Count: 30,750
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: With Harry's luck, it would all go pear shaped and he'd end up married to Snape.
Author's Notes: Totally EWE. Many, many thanks to my betas who will be named later, but all made this story much better.

Eighth Year

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Art: Aftermath

Title: Aftermath
Artist: [info]umbrus
Giftee: [info]venivincere
Media/Medium: Pencil, Open Canvas (drawing program) and Adobe Flash.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snarry, of course!
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Harry and Severus knows that the greatest blessing in life is to have someone who would be there to chase away our demons and bring us in from the cold, no matter the time.
Artist's Notes: My prompts were: 1. One fine morning. One fine really early early morning, damnit. 2. Aftermath. 3. In from the cold. I think I've meet them all and I hope that Venivincere is happy with her gift even though it doesn't have any of her kinks. Also, I'm sorry for the horrible color quality, Gif's color restrictions really suck but there really isn't anything I can do about it. Hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful holiday!

The image is animated, so the artist asks viewers to be patient and keep watching for a few seconds more to get the full effect.

January 2010



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