25 May 2008 @ 11:56 pm
Please forgive this interruption for a TERMINUS survey...  
Since this is the time in the Games where we all feel the heat, and are reading like mad, I'm going to completely interrupt for a fun poll.

Terminus is just around the corner, and everyone knows that the best place to hang out and be seen is the Snarry Meet-up. Last year, at Prophecy, we had to turn people away, which made us very sad indeed.

We need a more accurate head count this year, so I ask you to please take a look at this poll on [info]snarry_terminus.

We'll be holding a Snarry meetup on Friday, August 8, at 7:30 pm at a pizza place near the hotel. The poll has more details, and will give you the chance to give feedback about your attendance. This will determine the restaurant package we choose, so it is important to get your input. Please note we plan to take reservations for the dinner at a later date.

If you know someone who is attending, but doesn't have an IJ account, please mark them as your guest, or just comment with the requested information.

Our fearless leader, [info]djin7 will return tomorrow with a new post. Thanks, and hope to see you all at Terminus!
Current Mood: bouncy