08 October 2007 @ 07:24 pm
Title: Ineffable
Artist: [info]redpiratemel
Team: Team Romance
Email: redpiratemel at hotmail.com
Genre(s): AU
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13, no warnings except for mild fluff.
Artist's Notes: Thank you to Team Romance! Though I haven't read a fic with this exact scene, ziasudra_fic (LJ) wrote a great Snarry fic last year where Snape and Harry are around the same age for part of the story. This inspired me to do an AU piece with same-age!Snarry.
Media: sketched, inked by hand, photoshopped for coloring.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes, feel free - all of the above.
MOD NOTE: Large Image under the cut - Dial-up users beware!

Ineffable by RedPirateMel )
28 September 2006 @ 10:38 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Last Words
Artist: [info]redpiratemel ([info]artpirate)
Team: [info]teamangst_art Team Angst
Prompt(s): He's Gone, Strangers, Leave Me
Rating:R for adult situations, language
Warnings: Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Implied character death *
Artist’s notes: Artist's notes: My first Snarry piece, and a comic to boot. This piece is my first official attempt at using an art tablet for coloring. Line art done with pens and india ink on bristol. As I often leave my pieces black/white, I hope the color goes over well. An ocean of thanks to the Team Angst folks who beta'd this work. Tip o' the nib to the writers of Queer As Folk for the borrowed bunny.
Archiving/Usage permission: (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): Sure - please ask first.

Don't be a bloody idiot, Potter... )