25 April 2007 @ 08:40 pm
TEAM WARTIME ENTRY: Montana Dan "The Dance"  

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: The Dance
Author: Montana Dan ([info]montana_dan)
Team: Wartime
Genre(s): AU & Romance
Prompt: Surrender
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Harry is only 17 in this story. Forced bonding. *
Word Count: 22,770
A/N: A/N: I've completely obliterated the end of HBP. Any actual Gypsy tradition or lore is pretty much demolished too. Complete fiction, folks - take it as presented. You can find some real facts on the Romani peoples here, and I in no way mean any disrespect to them in using the term 'gypsy' in my fic. Many thanks to [info]joanwilder for the swift and superb beta. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer:The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling and her hangers-on. No money is being. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Summary: Severus Snape feared he’d spend the rest of his life alone, without the fulfillment of his Gypsy heritage. Harry Potter just wanted to do his duty and get on with his life. Will Harry surrender his freedom for the greater good?.

The Dance )