19 October 2009 @ 08:19 pm
Closing Games Final: "Good Advice" by Wotchertonks7  
We have one last piece of art to showcase, sent in just this week, as a thank you to the mods and watchers of the Snarry Games!

Title: Good Advice
Artist: [info]wotchertonks7
Team: Snitch
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NWS (of a sort)
Artist's Notes: A thank you to all the mods and everyone involved in The Snarry Games.

Good Advice by Wotchertonks7 )

Thank you, [info]wotchertonks7!

MOD NOTE: Please stay tuned for an important announcement!

Though the polls are down, the art and stories are still up, and the authors and artists would still love to hear from you - if you didn't have the time to comment during the Games, there's no time like the present! You can find our Master List HERE! Please also check out our unique 2009 ART TRIBUTE VIDEO by the most amazing [info]chaeche, and our Medal Ceremonies!