28 September 2006 @ 07:32 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: I’m Sorry
Artist: [info]frek
E-mail: frekly @ gmail . com
Prompt(s): Death, What have I done?
Team: [info]teamangst_art Team Angst
Rating: PG
Warnings: Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Character Death? *
Artist’s notes: Thank you so much to everyone on Team Angst for all their help and support. This has turned out much better than I had planned, thanks to them. And even though I wanted to be so much more ambitious with this piece, I’m glad that it turned out the way it did. I hope everyone enjoys it. Go Team Angst!
Archive/Usage Permission:(Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): no archives, please. You may link to this post (but NOT hotlink), but please don’t post the actual art anywhere else.

I’m Sorry )

28 September 2006 @ 07:41 am

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Take me
Artist: [info]a_belladonna
Prompt: Sunset, Take Me, Water, Moon
Team: Team Romance! [info]teamromance_art
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G, WS
Artist's Notes: Watercolour and ink.
Archiving/Usage permission (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): In the unlikely event that anyone would want to archive/use this, just ask first. :)

Take Me )

28 September 2006 @ 10:38 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Last Words
Artist: [info]redpiratemel ([info]artpirate)
Team: [info]teamangst_art Team Angst
Prompt(s): He's Gone, Strangers, Leave Me
Rating:R for adult situations, language
Warnings: Drag mouse over space if you wish to know: * Implied character death *
Artist’s notes: Artist's notes: My first Snarry piece, and a comic to boot. This piece is my first official attempt at using an art tablet for coloring. Line art done with pens and india ink on bristol. As I often leave my pieces black/white, I hope the color goes over well. An ocean of thanks to the Team Angst folks who beta'd this work. Tip o' the nib to the writers of Queer As Folk for the borrowed bunny.
Archiving/Usage permission: (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): Sure - please ask first.

Don't be a bloody idiot, Potter... )

28 September 2006 @ 10:47 pm

Original poster: snarrymod

Title: Quiet Morning
Artist: [info]andreanna
Prompt: Winter
Team: Team Romance! [info]teamromance_art
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13, NWS for nudity Dial-up users beware of large image under the cut
Artist's Notes: This was so exciting to do! And quite the challenge on my CGing skills. It was a privilege to have Snarry up on my desktop for a few weeks even if it earned my some weird looks from my flatmates >_>'''
Archiving/Usage permission (Only for AFTER the 2006 Snarry Summer Games have closed their polls): Please ask for permission :D

A Quiet Morning )