07 March 2006 @ 10:26 pm
Pre Games announcement!  

Original poster: djin7

Hey everybody! How goes the writing? Good? Teammates helping you out, supporting you? Awesome. Members from rival teams cheering you on as well? Outstanding! That's what I like to hear!

There are things afoot that will keep us busy here at the [info]snarry_games while we wait patiently for our teams to get whipped into Game shape.

Starting Thursday, I am pleased to bring you our Pre Games celebrations, the Champion Interviews! All our Games hopefuls will be answering my interview questions and I will begin to post them here for the fans, as well as the other team members, to read and enjoy.

You will find out what their favourite stories are, and perhaps some writing secrets, maybe even glean some personal insights on what may make them champions! Look for them starting this week!

In other news, we have more FAQ's being posted later this week, and some community organization, including tagging for ease of navigation.

All this and more, coming very soon.


"Working together, ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats. They can lift things a little higher, a little farther, towards excellence."


Current Mood: determined