July 7th, 2006

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Coming Out Day ~ PG-13

Original poster: magdelena1969

Title: Coming Out Day
Author: Magdelena
Word Count: 100 words (x 2)
Rating(s): PG-13
Challenge: Challenge 13: Marking the Moment
Warning(s): Adult language
A/N: Thanks to Sev1970 for the quick beta.


Coming Out Day )

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100


Original poster: medawyn

Title: Bound
Author: Medawyn
Rating: G
Challenge: #13: Marking the Moment

Harry watched Severus’ face carefully, but there was no change of expression or glimmer of pain. Glancing down at the bandage on his own wrist, Harry’s admiration rose a notch.

A satisfied grunt indicated that the procedure was complete. Harry loosely grasped Severus’ arm and examined the green snake winding up the sword. A muttered incantation animated the image, and the red ink in the hilt glittered like rubies.

Harry could not repress a grin. Severus might not acquiesce to a public bonding ceremony, but this made it unnecessary. Sharing a mark told the whole world that they belonged together.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Honeymoon ~ NC-17

Original poster: oftruthandlies

Title: Honeymoon
Author: [info]oftruthandlies
Word Count: 100
Rating(s): NC-17
Challenge: Challenge 13: Marking the Moment
Warning(s): Slash
A/N: This is my first drabble and also my first time doing a challenge. Con-crit encouraged!

The wedding is over… )

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Fire - Two Drabbles

Original poster: svartalfur

Title: Fire
Author: Anders Svartalfurinn
Word Count: 100 words (x 2)
Rating(s): PG-13
Challenge: Challenge 13: Marking the Moment
Warning(s): Character Death


[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

June & Anniversary

Original poster: snapesgirl_62

Titles:June, and Anniversary
Rating: PG
Challenge: Marking the moment
A/N: two different moments in Harry and Severus' life

June, and Anniversary

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100


Original poster: madtuesday

Title: Celebration
Author: [info]madtuesday
Rating: PG
Challenge: 13: Marking the Moment

Harry and Severus stood in front of Hogwarts. Harry grabbed Severus' hand tightly, and they turned to survey the damage wrought by the Final Battle, but even the sight of the dead couldn't dampen their happiness. Severus carefully put his arms around Harry and Harry's fingers traced lazy patterns over Severus' forearm -- his bare, blank forearm. Snape leaned down and quickly kissed Harry on the lips, because with the death of Voldemort they could kiss now without fear, and he could give all of himself without rejection. The Dark Mark had disappeared, and Harry stroked Severus's arm in celebration.

January 2021



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