Posts Tagged: 'harry+osborn+%28msm%29'

Feb. 27th, 2020



WHO: Tony and Harry
WHAT: Time to meet the cool Tony
WHERE: Around town
WHEN: Today

Let's do this! )

Feb. 7th, 2020



WHO: Peter Parker & Harry Osborn
WHAT: Getting a handle on things.
WHERE: Harry's place
WHEN: Feb 7th, afternoon
RATING: T for teenage shenanigans

Sometimes I wonder why my stress is stressing me )

Jan. 24th, 2020



WHO: Harry Osborn and Diego Hargreeves
WHAT: Tether buddies!!
WHERE: Harry's place
WHEN: First day of the plot

He wasn't always that observant )

Dec. 17th, 2019



Who: Gwen & Harry
What: Harry is the perpetual new kid who isn’t into Christmas. Gwen is amazing.
Where: Small town
When: Now
Rating/Warning: Low

A very Gwarry Christmas special )

Dec. 14th, 2019



Who: Peter B and Harry
What: Someone has to make sure Harry doesn't fall off a building
Where: Space Mall
When: Today

Next stop, Red Spider Nebula )

Dec. 13th, 2019



WHO: Starkiller Galen Malek and Hobgoblin Harry Osborn.
WHAT: Sharing tech?
WHERE: Harry's house.
WHEN: Friday Afternoon.

Murder Boi makes Friends )

Dec. 1st, 2019



Who: The whole town. Yes, you too.
What: The Great Snowball War of 2k19
Where: The whole town
When: December 1

Who will survive? No one knows. )

Nov. 26th, 2019



WHO: Harry Osborn and OTM
WHAT: Harry’s a confused, slightly panicky Hobgoblin
WHERE: Town Square
WHEN: Monday night/Tuesday morning

Had he... Had he blacked out again? )