May 3rd, 2019



WHO: Leia Organa & Obi-Wan Kenobi
WHAT: Meeting up for chats, helping Leia adjust and maybe even Skywalker family feels? We’ll see.
WHEN: Shortly after Leia’s arrival.
RATING: G - Good for all!

Leia felt it wasn’t entirely unreasonable to have at the very least expected the Falcon, and everyone on it wasn’t about to quite literally disappear around her and leave her in an unknown location. )



Who: Nyx Ulric and Tony Stark.
What: Tony is unimpressed with Nyx.
Where: Nyx's house.
When: Friday afternoon.
Rating: Low.

Nyx had been in this new place for only a week and a half, but he was finding the peaceful nature of the place. )

Who: Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff
What: Sleepover, complete with nail-painting.
When: Night-time, post emotioning.
Where: Clint's nest lol get it that's a bird joke.
Rating: Probably starting mild, will updated if need be! Updated to "need be". Also WARNINGS FOR ENDGAME SPOILERS, againsies.

Using the verb 'claw' in reference to 'peaceful moment' was probably anathema to the entire concept of peace itself. )