Posts Tagged: 'nyx+ulric'

Mar. 2nd, 2020


Isn't there some saying about music making people come together? Wait, pretty sure that's a Madonna lyric. Anyway.

You know what's fun? When we all hang out in a mass setting. You know what else is fun? Karaoke.

So, logic: Get together and sing karaoke.

Residents of Starklandia (also Thortopia?) are all invited to karaoke night hosted by Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy on THURSDAY.

You'll know the time when you start hearing singing. Not from Earth? No worries. All the lyrics to all the songs come up on the screen when you pick one anyway.

Most of us made idiots of ourselves on Valentine's Day already so there shouldn't be any inhibitions about singing at this point, right? Right. Besides, we've got loads of liquid courage to go around.



If anyone sees a fluffy white cat coming toward you - could you let me know immediately? Because you're probably about to--

Her name's Azzie. She's in the house with me now but she kind of comes and goes as she pleases. She's something of a special cat and given the nature of what she does she likely won't bother anyone but just in case, I thought I'd put the notice out there.

Feb. 26th, 2020



I am proud to announce the not-so-grand opening of the video store (but it's opening anyway). I don't have much in just yet, but the place came with like 10 copies of Purple Rain and a whole stack of Risky Business VHS tapes - so if you're feeling the Cruise, come on over.

If anyone comes across anything you'd like to donate to the cause, be it movies or music, be my guest, I'm collecting. Also, if anyone wants to tinker with the VHS players, a couple of them are acting kind of funky and that's not really my forte.

Feb. 15th, 2020



posted during this thread

Hello! I'm Weiss, and I just met Octane. He's super nice and like just a little cute.
Just kidding. He's a lot cute. And totally hilarious!
He's totally not the one typing this because she thinks her device is broken.
I mean. Me. Or. What?

Feb. 6th, 2020



HEY. Do you guys remember valentine's day cards? You know, the kind you got in school with like a bunch of those little heart candies that said stuff on them that was like.... meant to be romantic like "too cute" except it was always ruined because they tasted like chalk?

we should bring those back.

Jan. 30th, 2020



My dearest and most esteemed Steven Rogers,

I hope this letter finds you well -- I know the weather hasn't been much in terms of delight lately and besides that, the company has felt very forced. But I want you to know, as I write this, from some thirty feet away, that I am thinking of you! I appreciate the time you've made for me recently! All the free shows, whining and the five sit ups, included.


I seem to be free now, so, you know.

Bye Loser.

Much love and admiration,
Richard Tozier

PS: Loser is a term of endearment, okay. You know that.
PPS: You should definitely go get laid now. You deserve it.

Jan. 16th, 2020



Can somebody please explain this....egg creature that's following me around? I think it thinks I'm its mom, but I don't know where its family is??

I have never seen an animal like this, is the future normally this weird or is it just this place?

Jan. 2nd, 2020



Do -- I'm not the only one seeing random changes in scenery around here, am I? I didn't get too crazy with the champagne the other day?

Dec. 26th, 2019



Yo. These shoes are awesome!
And the movies!
I only watched the first one.

This Earth holiday is a grand one.
Thank you for allowing Lunafreya and I to partake in it.

Dec. 25th, 2019



Happy whatever day you celebrate or maybe don't celebrate? I guess it's actually Christmas somewhere, so there's that. Sorry Stan.

Anyway. If you're a Loser, prepare to get down tonight Tozier style with a living room dance party. Drinks are a must and dinner is as good as I can make it, okay? Honorary Losers are allowed -- Eddie's teenaged parents, Natasha, Eddie’s Hero, Bill, Dick and Lady Dick, whoever Beverly has adopted since showing up, too.

If you're not a Loser, don't call me in for a noise complaint.
And. Uh. I guess if you're lonely, you can show up and join in.

I ♥ my new records. Bless. Shalom. Pip Pip cheerio!

Nov. 29th, 2019



I found a movie disc called A Christmas Story.

I've heard this holiday tossed around by some here, that Christmas is coming?
We didn't have that where I'm from.
Does anyone know if this film is educational regarding what Christmas is?

Nov. 28th, 2019



It's Turkey Day somewhere in the multi-verse. Who's cooking, so I know what house to crash into for a free meal later? 10/10, I'm a great dinner guest. Will bring along Pie, Dog, and Starklandia's Hottest Husband. Maybe Goat.



Alright. There's a table, and a phone, and I can take a hint so - hello? My name is Beverly and I don't know how I got here. But it's cold and if anyone has a towel or can maybe point me in the direction of where to find shoes, I would appreciate it.

Nov. 21st, 2019



Hey, Staniel. Our idiot husband went on an ill-advised trip through the doors of certain death. Do you want to brave the cold and go look for birds, go through his record collection and then probably sit in the hammock and listen to whatever he has possibly while talking shit about it, or answer a bunch of questions I was inconsiderate enough not to ask you? It's about food.

Does anyone know anything about projectors? It's for future project maybe. Stan and I are trying to work out how possible something that plays movies for a group would be. Like the world's smallest theater with the smallest movie collection.

Nov. 19th, 2019



If anyone finds my brother's body in the river, please know that it was entirely his fault and that he deserved it.

Nov. 8th, 2019



Okay. It's just over two weeks, and these burns still hurt.

Anyone have any grade A tips on dealing with acid burns?

Also, how's your hand, Kitty?

Oct. 6th, 2019



Okay... hello children.
I'm Nyx. If you come by Pancho's at 8:00a, 1:00p, and 6:00p I will have food readily available.

[Old Tony]

Please tell me you're still an adult so I have someone I can freak out at.

Oct. 2nd, 2019



Private ---> Constantine

Not to dredge up old wounds.
I was going to go through Carol's things and pack her stuff up. Did you want to be part of that..?



I don't suppose there's like, a secret optometrist in town?



So..... like do we have a rule about going through the stuff of people who are no longer with us?