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Jan. 9th, 2012 @ 11:37 pm The 2011 D.E.A.T.H.E.A.T.E.R.

The [info]snapelyholidays D.E.A.T.H.E.A.T.E.R. Award for those who are unaware is for:

Daring & Exceptionally Amazing Talented Herculean
Efforts Assuring Terrifically Entertaining Results!

This year's winner really stepped up to the plate in order to help us ensure every participant received a gift. First she turned in her work admirably early along with a very timely offer to do a pinch-hit, which she did... only to have the participant drop out at the last minute. Since we were scrounging to find yet another pinch-hit for that participant's recipient, she offered her assistance yet again and came through in blazing time to save the day.

More than her extreme helpfulness, though, over the years we have come to appreciate her unbridled enthusiasm for the exchange, her cheerful nature, providing recs during the exchange, and overall, we admire how she always participates to the fullest extent one possibly can. Seriously, without her help this year, the exchange would have faced a major delay, especially as both moddies came down sick at once. In other words, she's been a lifesaver.

So we are more than tickled to present this year's D.E.A.T.H.E.A.T.E.R. Award to [info]eeyore9990!

Artist: Moddy #2 -aka- chazpure
Author: Moddy #1 -aka- odogoddess
Title: Statuesque Voyeur (or, perhaps, Statue-Tory Assault...?)
Characters: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: NC-17, Adult, NWS
Media: pencil & Photoshop
Content Info: *bondage, snoggage, shaggage and peepage*
Summary: Late one night in a dark corridor...
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. We just like watching them enjoy themselves.
Word count: ~2,145
Author Notes: With hugs and our gratitude. :)

( Statuesque Voyeur )

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Dec. 30th, 2011 @ 12:35 am gift fic for community, Snape/Neville, adult (NWS)

Recipient: snapelyholidays community

Author: eeyore9990
Title: Tensile Strength
Characters: Neville Longbottom/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Content Info: *heavy angst, minor character death, flogging, dark themes*
Summary: Everything—everyone—has a breaking point.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~5440
Author Notes Deepest thanks to my beta and writing partner for all their help with this fic.

( Tensile Strength )

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Dec. 28th, 2011 @ 12:59 am gift fic for kinky_kneazle, Snape/Lupin, adult

Recipient: kinky_kneazle

Author: r_grayjoy
Title: A Carol Sung Off Key
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17, adult
Content Info: *wall!sex, frottage, masturbation, somewhat unintended
voyeurism, snark, silliness, Dickens is spinning in his grave
Summary: Seven months after the end of the war, Severus is as much of a miserable, disagreeable misanthrope as ever. Then Lupin arrives bearing a message. Said message is absurd, not to mention unoriginal. Also, Lupin makes a terrible Jacob Marley.
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to Rowling or Dickens. Anything utterly ludicrous most likely belongs to me.
Word count: ~13,900
Author Notes: My most heartfelt thanks to those who kept me from falling in the muck while I slogged my way though this and then still liked me enough afterward to beta for me. <3 (Also, I realized that my beta and support crew this time around can be abbreviated "SNERT", which, considering the tone of this fic, amuses me far more than it probably should.)

Another heap of gratitude and groveling to the [info]snapelyholidays mods for being incalculably awesome.

In addition, Mr. Black would like to thank E. for his huge piece of meat.

Dear kinky_kneazle: When I read your list of likes, somehow "Christmas/holiday themes" and "time travel" blended in my head and produced... this. (Also, I might have taken "friends supporting the relationship" a little farther than you had in mind. *snicker*) I tried to put a bit of a new spin on an old theme here. In any case, writing for you was great fun. Hope you enjoy, and very happy holidays to you!

( A Carol Sung Off Key )

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Dec. 27th, 2011 @ 04:24 am gift art for eeyore9990, Snape/Firenze, NSFW, adult

Recipient: eeyore9990

Artist: prayer_at_night
Title: Moonlit Meeting
Characters: Severus/Firenze
Rating: NSFW / NC-17
Content Info: *Erm... I guess it's bestiality to have sexual contact with a Centaur, isn't it? :)*
Summary: Severus and his lover meet for a night-time date out on the Hogwarts grounds.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. I only borrow them for fun once in a while, and I certainly don't make any money with this fanart.
Artist's Notes: Dear Eeyore, it was a pleasure to create something for you in this fest. I am, to be honest, not sure if this picture meets your prompts enough, but you said I should put passion into my art and that would make it a good gift for you... so that's what I did, cling to my art bunny and put as much love, passion and work into this as I could.

In the end, I am extremely pleased with how this picture turned out! I really hope that you will like it as much as I do.

I wish you a happy and Snape-filled Christmas time! <3 )))

click on thumbnail for image

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Dec. 22nd, 2011 @ 01:01 am gift fic for bethbethbeth, Snape/Filch, adult

Recipient: bethbethbeth

Author: atdelphi
Title: Father to the Man
Characters: Argus Filch/Severus Snape
Rating: Rated PG by author (The moddies consider this mild R, adult)
Content Info: *childrearing, domesticity, hurt/comfort*
Summary: A restricted spell goes awry, and Severus Snape is left scrambling to cover his tracks. Meanwhile, Argus Filch turns out to be surprisingly good with small children, the nature of time is proven to be fiddly and anyone's guess, and (at least one) Severus gets a second chance at life.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~20,160
Author Notes: Title credited to Gerard Manley Hopkins, and by extension to William Wordsworth. The patient beta-readers who helped me with this story know who they are and have my gratitude. Thank you so much for the inspiring prompt, Beth! I hope you enjoy the story and have an absolutely marvellous holiday season.

( Father to the Man )

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Dec. 21st, 2011 @ 02:14 am gift fic for r_grayjoy, Snape/Godric Gryffindor, adult

Recipient: r_grayjoy

Author: irena_candy
Title: Cornerstone
Characters: Severus Snape/Godric Gryffindor
Rating: R, adult
Content Info: *[Chosen challenge: Any scenario that makes Snape/Godric happen is worth all the cookies in the world. I'd love to see someone tackle this! Go wild!] As for warnings - only the usual bit of screwing. bottom!Snape*
Summary: Severus meets the Founders.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~6,200

( Cornerstone )

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Dec. 20th, 2011 @ 03:46 am gift art for fluffyllama, Snape/Moody, adult (NWS)

Recipient: fluffyllama

Artist: trixie_locket
Title: A History of Two Wars
Characters: Severus Snape/Alastor Moody
Rating: adult, NWS (cause of one little detail. Or two. :))
Content Info: *AU in part 3, mutual masturbation, visible handicap*
Summary: Three glimpses of Snape and Moody's history, set in the first war, the second war and after the second war respectively. If you manage to see a story, then all the better. :) (There's always one. :))
Disclaimer: Rowling, the owner of rights, gets all the money. I'm just having a bit of fun with her toys.
Artist's Notes: Merry Christmas, Fluffyllama! (I hope you won't be too disappointed.) Merry Christmas, everyone!

click on thumbnail for images

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Dec. 19th, 2011 @ 01:05 am gift fic for community, Snape/Lupin, adult

Recipient: snapelyholidays community

Author: irena_candy
Title: Turn and Again
Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Rating: NC-17, adult
Content Info: *bottom!Snape, tinkering with timeline*
Summary: Snape explains to Lupin how it was that he changed the course of the wizarding world.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~5,340
Author Notes: This is sort of an AU tale, but only in retrospect.

( Turn and Again )

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Dec. 16th, 2011 @ 01:06 am gift fic for someoldcat, Snape/Mcgonagall, adult

Recipient: someoldcat

Author: kelly_chambliss
Title: To Some a Gift
Characters: Snape/McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, OCs
Rating: R, adult (NWS)
Content Info: *Spanking, caning, frottage (sort of), hurt/comfort. Corporal punishment of a child.*
Summary: After Voldemort's first defeat, Severus has a great deal to atone for. Minerva finds a way to help him.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~6,330
Author's Notes someoldcat, your prompt proved to be quite an interesting challenge. Here’s what I tried to include from your want list: "redemption stories, Severus confronting his demons, all manner of hurt/comfort, and some darker elements…[Severus] portrayed as awkward, inexperienced, and shy." I'd intended to write more of a dom!Minerva, but she wouldn't cooperate. Still, I managed to include a few of your kinks (spanking, frottage), and I hope this Severus is the character you wanted to see. In any case, I really do think he feels better now!

My super-grateful thanks to my two betas, T and V.

( To Some a Gift )

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Dec. 15th, 2011 @ 12:17 am gift fic for leela_cat, Snape/Lucius, adult

Recipient: leela_cat

Author: eeyore9990
Title: A Step in the Right Direction Might Just Land in Peacock Shit
Characters: Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Rating: Hard R, adult
Content Info: *hurt/comfort of the humorous variety*
Summary: Narcissa has sent Severus to help Lucius. The problem is that Lucius won't tell Severus what sort of help he needs.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~3,450
Author Notes: A few scattered nods to such classics as Labyrinth and The Addams Family. Also, peacocks.

Deepest thanks to my beta reader, who will be credited upon reveals.

( A Step in the Right Direction Might Just Land in Peacock Shit )

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Dec. 13th, 2011 @ 12:57 am gift fic for 7types, Snape/Harry, adult

Recipient: 7types

Author: schemingreader
Title: At the Scramble Crossing
Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Content Info: *Original Prompt: Snape tries to reinvent himself after the war and maybe even succeeds to a degree, but wherever he goes, there he is. Some humor would be nice. 7types also likes "IC, ugly, insecure Snape; first time; affection."*
Summary: Harry learns that Snape has found work at the Genius Bar at an Apple Store, far from home, and tracks him down.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~3,795
Author Notes: In her first edition of The Book of Middle Eastern Food, Claudia Roden spoke of one of her translators, a Lebanese student who read her recipes fainting with hunger and longing. My beta-reader described the snacks at her favorite Tokyo izakaya in precisely the same spirit.

( At the Scramble Crossing )

About this Entry
Dec. 12th, 2011 @ 01:53 am gift art for eeyore9990, Snape/Bill & Snape/Moody/Shacklebolt, adult (NWS)

Recipient: eeyore9990

Artist: someoldcat
Title: Black Coffee and a Ginger Snap (Sweet)
Characters: Snape/Bill
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Content Info: *bottoming from the top*
Summary: Some things just go well together.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.
Artist's notes: To my giftee, you have such a wide range pairings and scenarios that you like I was hard pressed to choose just one, on top of that you're one of my fandom heroes so I felt a little extra oomph was called for. So I decided a little bit of sweet and a little bit of sour would (hopefully) provide a well rounded gift. Hope you enjoy!

The Sweet

Title: Special Interrogation (Sour)
Characters: Snape/Kingsley/Moody
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Content Info: *Non-Con, Handjob, Bondage*
Summary: After the first war Severus is arrested and subjected to a grueling interrogation.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

The Sour

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Jan. 11th, 2011 @ 11:47 pm Gift fic for venturous, Under Laboratory Conditions, adult

Recipient: venturous

Author: chazpure

Title: Under Laboratory Conditions

Characters: Severus/Fred/George, Fred/George, Severus/Charlie

Rating: Adult

Content Info: Everyone's of age in this fic. *altered consciousness, noncon/dubcon, threesome/moresome, toys, restraints, cbt, mild feminization, incest, orgasm denial, voyeurism, egregious Latin abuse*

Summary: The twins follow a suspicious figure through Knockturn Alley and wind up with a new experimental subject for their latest line of...novelties.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~11,900

Author Notes: This [info]snapelyholidays fic is a gift for the amazing venturous. The Snapeliest of Holidays to you! I hope you enjoy this somewhat twisted tale. *g* My apologies to the mods for the dreadful tardiness of this entry and much appreciation for the forbearance shown.

( Under Laboratory Conditions )

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Jan. 10th, 2011 @ 10:09 pm Gift art for curia_regis, Political Alliance, NWS/Adult

Mod note: With thanks to curia_regis for pinch-hitting...

Recipient: curia_regis

Artist: serpenscript

Title: Political Alliance

Characters: Snape/Harry

Rating: Adult/NC17

Media: Photoshop, Poser

Content info: NWS! *m/m shagging, forced bonding* ModNote: No ages given, but HP looks very young here.

Artist Clarification: The 3D model I used for Harry was that of an adult male, just slimmed down, and the story for it is several years post-war, so he's entirely of age.

Summary or Description: Voldemort is dead, but his followers aren't! The war rages on between those who practice dark magic and those who practice light. Harry Potter and Severus Snape are seen as the current leaders of each faction. Lucius Malfoy and Remus Lupin decide to force them to marry as a form of political alliance. Lust-inducing spells may or may not have been used.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Artists notes: I had this bunny, and it just dug in and wouldn't let up. I hope you like it!

click on thumbnail for image

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Jan. 6th, 2011 @ 09:55 pm Gift art for arcadian_dream, Sex Curse, adult

Recipient: arcadian_dream

Artist: alchemia

Title: Sex Curse

Characters: Narcissa, Belltrix, Snape

Rating: Adult

Media: digital painting

Content info: *Ria requested (among other things): Snape/Bellatrix/Narcissa. fem!dom, strong women (this is a must!), angst, awkwardness, imperfection, skinny boys, bondage, orgasm denial, .... hands/wrists, biting/licking/sucking, .... desperation....*

Summary or Description: Bellatrix, demonstrates to her sister, a new mind control / sex curse that she has learned, by casting it on Snape.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Artists notes: This was a challenge to come up with, and I thank my spouse and writing partner bugland
for the idea; I hope it works for you.

click on thumbnail for image

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Jan. 5th, 2011 @ 09:28 pm Gift fic for leela_cat, Returning Home, adult

Recipient: leela_cat

Author: leni_jess

Title: Returning Home

Characters: Lucius, Severus, Narcissa, Draco, OMC

Rating: adult

Content Info: *Vanilla-ish Lucius/Severus, but definitely NC17*

Prompt used: After the war, Lucius manages to evade another prison sentence only to have Narcissa die or leave him for (you pick: not being a good enough DE to ensure their lord won, endangering their son's life, not being powerful enough in a post-war world, whatever works). In putting his life back together, he finds himself spending time with a slowly healing Severus Snape.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~5,150

Author Notes: Leela, I fiddled with the Narcissa bit of your prompt, but I believe it should be okay. *crosses fingers* *positively grovels to the mods for straining their patience, no doubt way past the snapping point* Gratitude to my emergency beta readers chazpure and odogoddess, who undertook the job on top of all their moderation work.

( Returning Home )

About this Entry
Jan. 4th, 2011 @ 08:04 pm Gift fic for fanficforensics, The Turning Point, adult

Recipient: fanficforensics

Author: bethbethbeth

Title: The Turning Point

Characters: Severus Snape/Regulus Black, cameos appearances by Kreacher, Lucius Malfoy, and Lord Voldemort

Rating: Adult

Content Info: *Alcohol use. Occasional excessive swearing. Consensual underage sex . Implied imminent canon death.*

Summary: A tale of divided loyalties, choices made, and choices unmade.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~4,950

Author Notes: I suppose it's possible that the seven mentions of Regulus in your sign-up form were merely a Slytherinesque misdirection where your preferences are concerned, fanficforensics, and yet...I suspect not!

( The Turning Point )

About this Entry
Jan. 1st, 2011 @ 12:11 am Gift fic for countess_hp, A Very Good Year, adult

Recipient: countess_hp

Author: odogoddess

Title: A Very Good Year

Characters: Severus/Lucius

Rating: Adult/R

Content Info: *frottage, coming in clothes*

Prompt used/Summary: Severus has always looked up to Lucius, he would do anything that Lucius asked of him.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic wrote it without making one shiny coin or crispy bill for it and has no expectation of any.

Word count: ~2,610

Author Notes: Happy Snapely Holidays, countess_hp!

( A Very Good Year )

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