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The World of Severus Snape

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I think there are several reasons (in canon) for the way Lily acts when she and Voldy are face-to-face.

First (and foremost) - we have Hagrid telling Harry, way back in book 1, that one thing that was odd about that night was that Voldy even attempted to kill Harry. It may sound weird, but apparently Voldy would usually leave the children alone after killing their parents.

Perhaps he liked the idea of adding more orphans to the world?

So, it would seem, that as long as Lily believed Voldy was after her and James (as in Albus didn't tell them the prophecy), then begging Voldy to take her instead is not quite as insipid as it might seem. Without this, then it makes no sense that Lily would believe Voldy wouldn't just kill Harry once she was gone.

Next, we really don't have any evidence regarding the Potters' 3 defiances. Not even whether it was 3 each or 3 combined between them. It doesn't even appear that it must mean 3 instances of fighting DEs, let alone ever having met Voldy face-to-face before.

For all we know, it could be as simple as they both joined the Order (2) and then James married a muggleborn (+1). So, if Lily had really not seen a lot of 'combat' she may not think she has a 'snowball's chance in ...' And as long as she couldn't just apparate out of there, she may have thought it better to ensure Harry lived than to anger Voldy enough to kill Harry after her own death.

This does assume that she couldn't even apparate within her own home (as opposed to just a barrier against apparating 'out'). Otherwise, her best bet was to apparate downstairs with Harry and get outside. As possible 'proof' of this barrier against apparation within the house, neither Lily nor Voldy apparate upstairs. Even Voldy walks up when he can presumably easily see the top of the stairs.

However, Lily also wouldn't be the first witch we have seen who having lost her husband, then died, once she believed her child would live (Merope). Many people can't see what she saw in James, but she may not have felt living without him to be worthwhile - as long as she believed Harry would be safe.

And there is that 3xs of being asked to step aside - not sure, but perhaps that is some kind of magical guarantee?

Lastly, did Lily even have her wand on her? I don't recall anything about her picking it up. IF she didn't, then she has as little chance as James did in getting out alive - better to attempt to get a promise from Voldy that he wouldn't kill her baby.

I have more problems with the idea that no preset escape plans were set up. But then we don't have any indications that Lily was ever a very careful or logical person.

Yes, logic suggests they certainly OUGHT to have had an escape plan (preferably with a premade portkey included if one is going to put up barriers against apparation), But as Hermione told us - wizards and witches are rarely logical. And even tho' Lily came from a muggle background, not even all muggles are logical either.

I think the main problem was that Lily was VERY sure of her own beliefs. Once she's decided, then few can change her mind. We see this in her conversations with Sev and even when we see her in the playground with Tuney.

Just as sure (in her own way) as James was of his own cleverness. And her beliefs led her to join in on James' belief that he could outsmart anyone. The real trouble was that both Lily and James felt the fidelius secret keeper switch was perfect and therefore saw no need for back up escape plans. -- Hwyla
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