Dec. 24th, 2008


Ficlet: Family Dinner - Snape/Percy - R

Title: Family Dinner
Author: [info]lordhellebore
Pairing: Severus Snape/Percy Weasley
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All settings and characters of Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers; no money is being made.
Notes: Written for [info]snapelike for Christmas
Summary: Severus doesn’t like the idea of Christmas dinner with Percy’s family.

( Family Dinner )

Sep. 11th, 2007


Fic: Our Blessed Child, Severus Snape/Petunia Dursley, R 1 - 4/?

Title: Our Blessed Child
Author [info]lordhellebore
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Romance
Pairing: Severus Snape/Petunia Dursley
Disclaimer: The HP characters belong to JKR and her publishers.
Summary: AU, non-magic. London, 1829: Years ago, Severus Snape had no chance of marrying the woman he loved, Lily Evans. Now a rich chemist, he makes the acquaintance of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, the latter being his lost love’s elder sister. Lily and her husband James Potter have died thirteen years ago, leaving a mentally handicapped and epileptic son, who is not accepted by his uncle and locked away after a tragic accident. Not allowed to see her abused nephew, a desperate Petunia finally seizes an opportunity and asks Snape for help.

Chapter 01, Chapter 02, Chapter 03, Chapter 04