09 January 2021 @ 09:01 am
2021 Fest Schedule at Snape_Potter  
Happy birthday, Severus Snape!!! What better way to celebrate our favourite Potions Master's birthday than with the announcement of our fest schedule for the year! ;)

We will be hosting two fests at [info]snape_potter this year: our annual 'anything goes' classic, Snarry-a-Thon, and our winter fest, Secret Snarry Swap, in December.

For those who like to work from wide open prompts, there is Snarry-a-Thon21 and for those who like to warm up with Snarry during the busy end of the year holidays, there is Secret Snarry Swap.

Our 13th annual Snarry-a-Thon is a prompt-based, anything goes fest that will begin posting May 1st.

December's Secret Snarry Swap will close out the year, with details to come closer to sign-ups in August/September.

2021 Community Calendar By Month )
Additional mod note )