06 May 2019 @ 11:58 am
Snarry-a-Thon19: FIC: Goblin Market  
Title: Goblin Market
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] drawlight
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 20,210
Content/Warning(s): None.
Prompt: 70: Labyrinth AU. On the brink of death, Severus Snape is trapped in an odd maze with Harry as the Goblin King. What's waiting for him in the centre? Will he ever reach it?
Summary: The Horcrux is slowly poisoning Harry, whose mind has curled around it in a way to protect it from being dislodged. Severus Snape, resentfully accomplished Legilimens, must navigate the labyrinth of Harry's mind and pull out the infection at the center.
A/N: To my influences as always. Christina Rossetti and The National. To David Bowie, to the old Greeks. And Jeanette Winterson, who taught me pleasure in words. The Passion has directly inspired several scenes in here, including the characterization of Voldemort as the rat-eater, and I must note that the final line is a direct quote from the same book.

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(Goblin Market)