29 July 2016 @ 07:32 am
FIC: The Traveler in the Dark  
Title: The Traveler in the Dark
Author: [info]nestinghedwig
Other pairings/threesome: brief mention of Alecto Carrow/Amycus Carrow/Harry Potter
Rating: R
Word count: 7,450
Prompt: High in the cool mountains
Warning(s): AU. Brief mention of non-con, dubious consent, incest, disownment
Summary: When the Dark Lord discovers Harry is an accidental Horcrux, Severus intervenes and Harry's life takes a surprising turn.
A/N: Written for the summer challenge16 at Snape_Potter
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters created and owned by J.K. Rowling, various publishers including, but not limited to Scholastic Books and Warner Bros. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended; no monetary gain will be made from this story.

The Traveler in the Dark )