14 May 2016 @ 12:56 am
FIC: Flowers Blooming  
Title: Flowers Blooming
Rating :PG
Pairing: Severus Snape & Harry Potter
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100 x 4
Prompt: [info]snape100 #637: Snape in Diagon Alley - Potage's Cauldron Shop / #638: Snape in Diagon Alley: Quality Quidditch Supplies / [info]harry100 Prompt #284: May Flowers
Warnings: *AU, Harry rescued from the Dursleys, implied past child abuse, Harry is eight-years-old *
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Severus tries to liven up a boring trip to Diagon Alley, but for Harry, any outing is exciting
Little Harry series.
Current Mood: sleepy
14 May 2016 @ 11:01 am
Snarry-a-Thon16: Week Two Wrap-Up  
We're two thirds of the way through this year's Thon! Thanks to everyone reading and commenting. The authors and artists really appreciate it!

Also, we're looking for recs! And if you want to let us know that you've recced any Snarry-a-Thon fic or art on your journal in an unlocked post or on Tumblr, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email ( Anything that collects three or more recs will be forwarded to the newsletters and all recs will be forwarded to the authors/artists. Thanks!

Lastly, a quick reminder: please join [info]snape_potter to see all of our fest entries.

When Harry was Severus NC-17, 15,750 words
Summary: The year after Voldemort’s defeat, Harry is back at Hogwarts and Snape is back as headmaster. An unfortunate accident during a faculty/student Quidditch match leaves Harry in Snape’s body and Snape in Harry’s. The truce the two had agreed to in the summer to let bygones be bygones and to give each other as wide a berth as possible is thrown out the window as each learns what exactly fills the other’s days. A story of mistaken identities, secrets revealed and sweet, sweet revenge.

Sins of the Past R, 6,500 words
Summary: Unspeakable Snape finds himself working a case where children are abducted and killed. To find the murderer—and quick—he resorts to recruiting Ex-Auror Harry. They need to hurry or the next child will be found dead.

Tender Is The Touch PG, 3,420 words
Summary: It was like a distorted version of Goldilocks – one moment too possessive, one moment too absent. Will things ever be just all right?

Falling in Love is like the Spring NC-17, 26,160 words
Summary: To his horror, Harry receives a letter of undying love and devotion from Snape. Before he can reply, he learns that Snape has been gravely injured. Out of duty, he helps Snape recover - and, in doing so, falls in love in return.

Every Wish Is Like a Prayer PG, 8,900 words
Summary: Ten years after the war, Severus Snape finds himself on Harry Potter's doorstep -- Severus is having problems with his magic and Harry may have an answer.

As the Sun Goes Down PG-13, 3,609 words, Chan
Summary: Severus Snape notices Harry Potter during dinner at Riddle mansion. He also notices that Potter speaking Parseltongue is quite... intriguing.

Law of Similarities PG-13, 15,244 words, Chan
Summary: When Tom Riddle returns to England and decides he wants Harry Potter (and his magic), Lily asks one of her best friends, Severus Snape, to be Harry's bodyguard – and James goes along with it only because of the dead boys who keep turning up, each of which looks eerily like Harry.

Night Fright PG
Summary: Their worst nightmare comes true.

Grief PG
Summary: "We all need somebody to lean on."

If you missed something from week one, you can find the wrap-up post on DW, LJ, and IJ.

We'll be back on Monday with our final week of entries!
14 May 2016 @ 06:43 pm
Non Regulation  
Title: Non Regulation
Author: [info]alisanne
Pairing/Characters: Severus Snape/Harry Potter.
Word Count: 100
Rating: NC-17
Challenge: Written for [info]snape100's prompt #638: Snape in Diagon Alley - Quality Quiditch Supplies.
Warning(s): PWP.
Beta(s): [info]sevfan and [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Read Non Regulation on LJ/IJ/DW.
Current Mood: thoughtful
14 May 2016 @ 10:37 pm
SS/HP Prophet May 8 - 14  
The current edition of the SS/HP Prophet has been posted here:

The SS/HP Prophet for May 8 – 14th

If we missed an entry, please comment on the latest newsletter and it will be added to the next edition.