04 May 2014 @ 03:12 pm
Interdependence 5/9  
Title: Interdependence
Chapter 5: What to do?
Rating : Will be M or even NC-17 by the end.
Author: Sheankelor
Word Count: 7800+
AN: Once again, Yen has given up her own time to improve my writing. She even took my too tired to think sections and made them worth reading. Also, we are looking at June to have this done. Enjoy!

Disclaimer:None of the characters nor the universe are mine. They are JK Rowlings instead. I found a LEGO Harry and LEGO Snape and started playing.

Summary: A mutual relationship, to rely on one's partner as much as you are relied upon. They must dance around each other, then learn how to be equals, how to accept each other and finally how to stay interdependent. Ranging from a St. Mungo's private room to Hogwarts through Muggle World back to the Wizarding world, this is a story of Harry and Severus becoming interdependent.

Previous Parts: Chap 1: Things to Learn ; Chap 2: Studying ; Chapter 3: Baby Steps; Chapter 4: By Leaps and Bounds

Chapter 5 What to do?
04 May 2014 @ 10:23 pm
FIC: More Questions  
Title: More Questions
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Characters/Pairing:Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin. Sirius Black
Word Count:296
Rating :PG
Warnings: *AU, post war, pre-slash, reference to past violence *
Challenge: Written for [info]hp_may_madness Day #3: none
Summary/Author Notes: Harry Potter has done everything that has been asked of him, but now, facing an uncertain future, he's determined to do something just for himself. There will be more parts, depending on the demands of RL :)
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.

More Questions

Current Mood: busy