31 October 2012 @ 10:09 am
Secret Snarry Swap: Call for Betas!  
The deadline for entries for the Secret Snarry Swap is fast approaching! Since there may be some people out there who are ready, or nearly so, to send their fics to beta, it's time to call for beta reader and Brit-picker volunteers.

If you would be willing to lend a hand as a beta or Brit-picker, please leave us a comment here using the form below.

Secret Snarry Swap participants: Do feel free to look over the volunteers here and to leave them a comment, or contact them directly if they have chosen to leave a contact email address. As always, the mods will still read over the entries for simple typos and wonky coding issues, but all entries need to be beta read by someone in addition to the fest mods (unless one of us is your usual beta ;D). If you have trouble finding a match, please let one of us know and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out. We've already received some entries and we cannot wait for posting to begin.

Thanks everyone!

Participants can also find a "Call for Betas" post at [info]snape_potter on LJ and DW asking for beta/Brit-picker volunteers for Secret Snarry Swap. If you do not find a match here, please check out the volunteers at the other locations.
31 October 2012 @ 04:09 pm
Zombie Potter and the slytherin avenger.  

Author: Pekeleke

Pairings: Severus/Harry.

Rating: N-17

Word Count: 5,991

Content/Warning(s): Definitely not as cracky as the title (or the summary) suggests. There's porn, though. And a Zombie... sort of.

Summary: When the slytherin avenger encounters Zombie Potter in a gloomy Hogwarts' corridor they engage in the oldest kind of Halloween celebration they can think of. ;)

Beta: None.

Disclaimer: Don't own these characters. No money is being made out of this work.

A/N: Originally written for Severus sighs' Halloween challenge.

For Roo (roozetter), who wanted zombie porn for Halloween and, therefore, is the right person to blame for all of this.

Zombie Potter and the slytherin avenger.


31 October 2012 @ 04:29 pm
Samhain fire.  

Author: pekeleke
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Word Count: 5567
Rating: T
Summary: Samhain fire can be built for many purposes. Severus thinks about Harry when he chooses the nature of his own...
Warning(s): None
A/N: English is not my mother tongue so mistakes are to be expected.
Beta: None
Disclaimer: The characters used in this fiction are not mine. No money is being made from it.

Samhain fire.

