09 October 2012 @ 09:08 am
we need more Snarry  
Hello, all! Before you get snowed in by Big Bang entries (Yay!), take a moment to join [info]hp_halloween! This is a short Halloween exchange, just 200 words, any pairing.

But we need more Snarry!

You don't know how many people put "no Snarry" in their sign-ups. *cries* How can this be? Please come help remedy this oversight.

Just two days left for sign-ups! Go!

09 October 2012 @ 10:15 am
Podfic: Almost Enough by Alisanne  
A quick little podfic made for HP_Podfic_Fest.

Title: Almost Enough
Author: [info]alisanne
Reader: [info]starduchess
Cover Art: [info]teas_me
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Length: 00:07:51
File Size: 7.2 MB
Link to Text: here
Warnings: Schmoopy schmoop. Seriously, take your insulin. :)
Summary: Sometimes even the biggest hero needs a kick in the arse to get going.
notes and cover art )

click here for downloading and streaming goodness

09 October 2012 @ 01:04 pm
Announcing: The Severus/Harry Big Bang Feedback Challenge...  
In just a short time on Monday, October 15, posting for the Severus/Harry Big Bang will begin and we couldn't be more thrilled with the entries. Your writers and artists have been hard at work on these entries since March and we have a total of twenty-five fabulous fics, all complete with amazing art.

None of us are paid to do this, and while we all enjoy making art or writing stories, we are also encouraged by feedback. It helps us continue with what we do; it makes us feel like our efforts are appreciated and valued, makes us strive to improve ourselves, and in the long run, it gives all of us more to see and read. The best way to show our appreciation to an author or artist is to leave feedback on what we have seen and enjoyed.

We all understand the reasons some people don't comment on works they enjoyed and no one is required to do so. It takes time and thought, and sometimes we don't think we can express our appreciation adequately so we don't say anything at all. But please don't let that stop you. There is always something you can say when you have enjoyed certain aspects of a story or piece of art. It's a way of celebrating the pairing. And at [info]snape_potter we are all about celebrating all the various flavors of Snarry be they dark or light, fluffy or plotty, romantic or angsty, or any combination of the preceding.

Our participants welcome squee as well as thought-out replies for both fic and art. Show us that you're up to the challenge; comment on as many entries as you can. Show the authors and artists your appreciation and support and encourage them to keep coming back to our pairing.

And because this is a celebration in every sense of the word and because we want to encourage people to have fun, those of you who comment are eligible to win prizes. The contest begins on October 15 and ends at midnight (EST) on November 19, giving everyone over one full month to read, view, and comment on the entries.

There are 4 prizes:
•Top Three Commenters
•Luck of the Draw

And what are those prizes? In alphabetical order:

•A short, original Snarry fic (approx 1,500-2k words) or drabble series written to your specifications by [info]deirdre_aithne.
•A short, original Snarry fic (approx 1,500-2k words) or drabble series written to your specifications by [info]starcrossedgirl.
•Traditional media or digital art created to your specifications by Severus/Harry Big Bang Art Co-Captain, [info]tripperfunster.
•Traditional media or digital art created to your specifications by Severus/Harry Big Bang Art Co-Captain, [info]veridari.

The rules are simple. For the "Top Three Comments Overall" prizes we'll count one comment per person per Big Bang entry, as long as it refers specifically to the creation so it's clear you have read/viewed the entry. The top three commenters will each win. In the event of a threesome or moresome threeway tie, names will be placed into the Goblet of Fire and the winners drawn at random from that.

Because we understand not everyone will be able to read all the entries, for the "Luck of the Draw" prize we will be placing the names of everyone who comments to any Big Bang entry using the above rules into the Goblet of Fire. That means someone who made only one comment at the fest could potentially win a prize—though your odds of being selected increase with each comment, as your name will be entered once for each comment to a maximum number of BB entries which is twenty-five.

Similar to a charity auction, when the winners are announced in November, they can make their requests to the designated author or artist and it will be delivered in a timely manner but when it is convenient to both parties.

You don't need to be a member of Insane Journal, Live Journal, or Dreamwidth to participate and everyone EXCEPT the mods ([info]accioslash & [info]torino10154) are eligible to participate. People without accounts show as anonymous reviewers and the mods will unscreen the replies. Anonymous reviewers who sign their posts with any form of identifying information (screen name, Tumblr handle, initials) are just as eligible for the prizes as the Insane Journal, Live Journal, or Dreamwidth members.

Please remember: We're all here to have fun and we consider these prizes similar to door prizes. And even though not everyone can win one of those, we all still get a fabulous prize: the wonderful entries in the fest! Enjoy!