29 May 2012 @ 12:55 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: Tying the Knot  
Title: Tying the Knot
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: Hard R
Word count: ~8,200
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *None*
Prompt: #4: Harry & Ginny try to get handfasted for their marriage, but the magical cords won't stay on Harry's wrists... a bit of divination discovers he's already bonded to someone else.
Summary: See prompt. :)
A/N: Thanks to my beta and to the fest mods for their patience. The words used in the handfasting depicted in this story come from the traditional handfasting ritual as seen here (http://handfasting.org/rituals/traditional-handfasting/)

Tying the Knot )
29 May 2012 @ 12:59 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: Phoenix Investigations  
Title: Phoenix Investigations
Author: [info]unbroken_halo
Other pairings/threesome: Ginny/Neville
Rating: PG
Word count: 1,900
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *None*
Prompt: Wild Card #1. Past S-A-T '11 prompt #29. Fic is for the Snarry art Noir by [info]_odella_. The artist's notes say: I wanted to give a film noir twist to this piece, wherein the Order of the Phoenix is actually a private investigation agency. So here you have partners Agent Potter and Agent Prince, the good cop/bad cop duo of the wizarding world.
Summary: A threat from the past rears its head, prompting Harry and Severus to take action.
A/N: Thanks to [info]_odella_ for permission to use her art for the story; I hope you enjoy my take on your fantastic work. And, yes, this is a nod to Dragnet, which really dates me since I see Jack Webb as Sgt. Friday and not Dan Aykroyd. LOL! Dragnet belongs to CBS and no copyright infringement is intended.

Phoenix Investigations )