18 May 2012 @ 12:57 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: FIC: Delicious Apology  
Title: Delicious Apology
Author: [info]starduchess
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~3000 each
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *PWP, bondage, nipple clamps, writing on skin, chili oil*
Prompt: #171
Summary: Mix a blindfold, a couple of old ties and one Boy Who Lived on a bed. Add a few feathers and stir. Top with a cherry and chocolate and proceed to ravish the Chosen One thoroughly.
A/N: This is the same scene given twice, the first piece with Harry as the bottom. [info]carolinelamb told me that she wishes she could go through fics and switch their roles around so that Severus is on the bottom, so I did it for her in the second piece. Beta performed by the lovely [info]reynardo; thanks, dear!

Delicious Apology - Bottom!Harry version )

Delicious Apology - Bottom!Snape version )
18 May 2012 @ 12:59 pm
SNARRY-A-THON12: ART: Pushing Buttons  
Title: Pushing Buttons
Artist: [info]daisygirl_080
Rating: R
Media: Paint Tool Sai
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Cross dressing, Bondage, Slytherin Green, Ball Gags and Glares of Death*
Prompt: #125: Harry undressing Severus - opening those buttons of his.
Summary: Harry has decided to give Severus a bit of a show, wanting to spice up their love life a bit.
A/N: I had fun drawing this one; hope that you guys like it as well. Also, a thanks to [info]veridari, who has been a HUGE Snarry inspiration for me. Hope that the inclusion of Teeny Nagini-inspired earrings brings a smile to your face. ^_^

Pushing Buttons Thumb

Pushing Buttons )