19 October 2011 @ 11:55 am
Cliché Fest: FIC: A Push in the Right Direction  
Title: A Push in the Right Direction
Author: [info]angela_snape
Other pairings/threesome: brief mention of Neville/Charlie
Rating: PG
Word count: 3K
Warning(s): None.
Cliche: (highlight for spoilers) *#71-Post-war: Snape is Headmaster/teaches potions; Harry is DADA professor. and #101-Post-Hogwarts, one of them agrees to pose as the love interest of the other to deter some unwanted suitor.*
Summary: An unwanted suitor may just be a push in the right direction for Harry.
A/N: With thanks to [info]leela_cat and [info]alisanne for their beta skills, and to the mods for their patience and understanding.

A Push in the Right Direction )
19 October 2011 @ 12:04 pm
Cliche' Fest Public Service Announcement...  

To those of you who cannot see the locked Cliche' Fest fic and art entries, it is because you have chosen to 'watch' this community only.

You must JOIN [info]snape_potter to see any locked posts. To join the community you must be 18 or older and have an age statement posted in your user info page. Examples of a clear age statement include ANY of the following: an actual date of birth indicating you are at least 18 years old (1/1/85), a year of birth indicating you are at least 18 years old (1985), a statement of your actual age over 18 (I am 22 years old) or a general statement such as "I am over the age of 18."

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment here or contact a [info]snape_potter mod.
19 October 2011 @ 02:31 pm

Secret Snarry
Banner and art by

There's just a few more days to sign up to participate in Secret Snarry. Click on the banner for sign-up details and links to how the exchange will work.

For those who already signed-up, a list of all the sign-ups (minus names) will be posted on Sunday, Oct 23 so everyone has an equal chance to look through the list so they will be ready to claim the sign-up they want to create on TUESDAY, OCT 25. Remember, to get a gift, you need to give a gift.

Secret Snarry is designed to be fun and low-stress with bite-sized entries and the perfect way to take a break from the holiday rush. We are excited to get started and hope you choose to join us.

Sign-up posts are available at snape_potter on DW, LJ, or IJ. Comments are screened.
19 October 2011 @ 06:57 pm
13 Days of Halloween Slashabbles - Day 1  
Title: Trick and Treat

For: [info]accioslash

Fandom/Pairing/Prompt: Harry Potter/Severus&Harry/Trick or Treat

Trick/Treat/Popcorn Ball: Treat

Word Count: 100 X 3

Warnings: None

Rating: PG

Note: So excited to start the 13 Days of Halloween Slashabbles. My first one is for [info]accioslash. I hope you enjoy this! Not all of the Halloween Slashabbles will be Snarry, but the ones that are, I will post here.

Trick and Treat
