22 January 2011 @ 11:56 am
SNARRY SWAP: Gift for: [info]ladypsychic , "It Makes No Sense to Hate a Dead Man"  
Title: It Makes No Sense to Hate a Dead Man
Author: [info]wordslave
Gift Recipient: [info]ladypsychic
Other pairings/threesome: All Snarry, of course.
Rating: M
Word count: 16,000
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Dirty language, hand and blow job and m/m consensual sex.*
Summary: If Snape is dead, why is he showing up so often in Harry’s dreams?
A/N: For [info]ladypsychic. I hope this brings you as much joy as it did me. This dropped into my mind August 25th, the night I got the assignment. It took me a lot longer to write. Thank you to the mods for being so understanding that this was obnoxiously late. I hope you all enjoy!

Also, many thanks to my beta, [info]isisanubis. All remaining mistakes are my own.

Dreams are italicized.

It Makes No Sense to Hate a Dead Man
22 January 2011 @ 08:10 pm
Pretty Straightforward  
Title: Pretty Straightforward
Author: [info]alisanne
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Challenge: Written for [info]harry100's prompt #119: It’s Complicated
Rating: PG
Length: 100
Warnings: AU, EWE
Summary: Some things are complicated and some aren't.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Notes: *fixes pesky epilogue*
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Pretty Straightforward
Current Mood: thoughtful
22 January 2011 @ 08:56 pm
SNARRY SWAP: Gift for: [info]accio_kilt , "In the Lap of Luxury"  
Title: In the Lap of Luxury
Artist: vividescent/[info]vividzephyr
Gift Recipient [info]accio_kilt
Other pairings/threesome: Snape/Harry/Lucius
Rating: R
Media: Digital
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Threesome, light bondage, post-Hogwarts, EWE.*
A/N: Thanks to my beta, [info]accioslash!

lap of luxury thumb

In the Lap of Luxury  )
22 January 2011 @ 09:01 pm
Here is the wrap-up for the third week of the Snarry Swap!


The Kindergarten Teacher, NC-17, 10,784
Gift for: [info]sealcat
Summary: Twenty years after The Battle of Hogwarts Harry Potter, unemployed former hero and kindergarden teacher finds employment with the Sedasé, an ancient and infinitely more dangerous race than vampires. The new work environment isn’t the only challenge he has to face.
DW, LJ, or IJ
These Chains That Bind, NC-17, 2,600
Gift for: [info]snapy_90
Summary: Harry gave of himself too freely, trusted too deeply, loved too well.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Timely Interference, R, 13,150
Gift for: [info]venturous
Summary: On the site where a much beloved Headmaster died, a thoroughly despised Headmaster is discovered barely clinging to life... and slowly getting younger. Will the efforts of a lonely star-gazer, a ghost, an overworked mediwitch, a swotty know-it-all and the saviour of the wizarding world be enough, or is the answer to his predicament trapped in Snape's mind?
DW, LJ, or IJ
Take Care, NC-17, 3,134
Gift for: [info]countess_hp
Summary: When Harry misbehaves, Severus needs to ‘take care’ of him.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Neither Shall Live, NC-17, 7,500
Gift for: [info]pennswoods
Summary: Harry sought out Headmaster Snape to try to regain feeling in his life. The result was unexpected, and not in a good way, either.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Between the Sheets, NC-17, 2,600 CHAN
Gift for: [info]lovetoseverus
Summary/Prompt: Harry and Severus get stuck in a book! Oh noes! Sex ensues.
DW, LJ, or IJ
Silent Memories, R, 1,218
Gift for: [info]calanor
Summary:"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." -Judy Garland
DW, LJ, or IJ
It Makes No Sense to Hate a Dead Man, R, 16,000
Gift for: [info]ladypsychic
Summary: If Snape is dead, why is he showing up so often in Harry’s dreams?
DW, LJ, or IJ


Night Vision, R
Gift for: [info]alisanne
Summary: Ron will always regret perfecting that night vision spell...
DW, LJ, or IJ
Severus Snape and the Samurai's Sword, NC-17
Gift for: [info]k8bnimble
Summary: Getting some ideas from their costumes, Harry and Severus decided to play out a scene pictured in their favourite shunga* print book after the Halloween Ball.
DW, LJ, or IJ
In the Lap of Luxury, R
Gift for: [info]accio_kilt

And if you want to let us know that you've recced any Snarry Swap fic or art on your IJ/LJ/DW or anywhere else in an unlocked post, comment to this post, or drop us an e-mail at the mod email. Anything that collects three or more recs will be forwarded to the newsletters. Thanks!
22 January 2011 @ 11:18 pm
Raising Severus  
Title:  Raising Severus
Author:  [info]alisanne
Characters:  Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall
Rating: R
Content Info: [No warnings]
Summary: After leaving the Aurors, Harry takes over as Potions master for Hogwarts, and discovers a mystery in the most unlikely place.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Word count: +/- 16,000 total
Author Notes: Written for [info]r_grayjoy as part of the 2010 [info]snapelyholidays fest.
A special thank you to [info]sevfan, to the Slashchat girls, and to the mods for again hosting this fabulous Snape love fest.

Raising Severus
Current Mood: thoughtful