26 December 2010 @ 04:24 pm
Drabble: The Last Chance  
Title: The Last Chance
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Severus/Harry; Gilderoy Lockhart
Rating: PG-13
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Word count: ~300
Prompt: [info]adventdrabbles’ #26 sugar plum fairy
Warning/s: Bartender!Snape, possessive!Snape; AU
Disclaimer: JKR and associated companies own the HP characters and settings, no profit made, no copyright infringement intended.
Summary: From Europe by Portkey and Floo: The Traveller’s Guide to Wizarding London: The Last Chance is an aptly named drinking establishment located on the corner of Diagon and Knockturn Alleys. Avoid going there before 4pm. Be aware that the area may be dangerous at any time, day or night. Potential dangers include...
A/N: Unbeta-ed. My earlier adventdrabbles here.

The Last Chance
26 December 2010 @ 11:54 pm
FIC: The Wisdom of Friends  
Title: The Wisdom of Friends
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating :PG
Pairing: None as of now
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 900
Prompt: #21/Frosted Window
#22/Stocking Stuffers
#23/Three Wise Men
Warnings: *AU, Severus is Harry's father, mentions of child abuse, kid!fic, young Severus*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: The first Yule/Christmas for Severus and his son. Set in the My Son Universe - a WIP
A/N: To clarify, Rys is the name Harry has chosen to be called. These drabbles are consecutive, corresponding with the date of the prompt, such as today's is set on December 21st, 1982. Unbetad – sorry!

The Wisdom of Friends

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Current Mood: busy