20 October 2010 @ 08:07 am
10 Years of Snarry Discussion Post: Guilty Pleasure Reading  
I have to confess that I try not to feel guilty about any of my pleasures, but if you had to name some of your guilty pleasure fics, which would they be? Are there one or two dozen you always turn to? Or is there a particular genre or author?

For me, it's mpreg fic. Full-stop. It's like my kryptonite. I have no defense against it. I love it. Always. In any fandom. Even when it's dreadful. Sometimes especially when it's dreadful. ;D The only possible exception is when an author thinks they are being clever by making fun of it. And they almost never are. I think to properly make fun of something you need to have a genuine affection for it. It's laughing with someone as opposed to laughing at them. For me, a good example of how this can be done with mpreg is OMG! Not Another MPREG by [info]mahaliem. Even people who hate mpreg might be at least a little bit tempted by this summary: Harry and Snape fall in love, have a baby, and live happily ever after – NOT! (except for the baby part which is, unfortunately, true).

So what about everyone else? Tell me about your guilty pleasure fics.
20 October 2010 @ 01:06 pm
Title: Compatibility
Author: [info]unbroken_halo
Word Count: 100
Rating(s): PG
Challenge: [info]snarry100's prompt #236: Tenth Anniversary
Warning(s): None
A/N: Another one because I just couldn't resist this prompt. Thanks to [info]aeryun for the bunny! *hugs* Not beta-ed, please let me know if you see something horribly wrong.