30 December 2009 @ 12:47 pm
Re: A Warm Reception  
Title: A Warm Reception
Author: Leela ([info]leela_cat)
Word Count: ~2,000
Pairing/Threesome: Severus/Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warnings: * None *
Disclaimer: Definitely not mine, and I'm so not making any money off this.
Summary: With no choice but to find a Healer who can help him purge the last of Nagini's venom from his system, Severus Snape is pleasantly surprised by the reception he receives.
Notes: Written for [info]alisanne in [info]3fan_holidays. Many thanks to [info]florida_minxie and [info]eeyore9990 for helping me work out how to do this in (just) under 2,000 words.

Click to read A Warm Reception on my IJ
Current Mood: accomplished