15th August 2008

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Pocket Watch Boy, by Mhalachai

[Torchwood/Doctor Who]

Title: Pocket Watch Boy
Author: Mhalachai [info]mhalachaiswords
Summary: Ianto Jones is a very different sort of boy. (wee!Time Lord!Ianto)
Characters/Pairing: Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness, team Torchwood, the Doctor, Donna Noble
Rating: PG-13


A really good take on the Time Lord!Ianto cliché, especially the difference in point of view between Ianto and the Doctor, regarding Jack. Very good use of the Team, especially Gwen, as well as the Doctor. Donna feels a little off, but it was written before Season 4 aired.

Caveat Lector

There are a few too many references to pop culture, that don't always quite sit with British characters.

Excerpt )
