2nd October 2007

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Left Unsaid, by Dune

[Torchwood/Doctor Who]

Title: Left Unsaid
Author: Dune [info]seti_drd
Summary: The stories Martha Jones never told the Torchwood team
Characters: Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, the Torchwood Team
Rating: PG


Powerful stuff. Both Jack and Martha are still suffering from PTSD after the events of Last of the Timelords, and it shows in their interactions. The external POV is very interesting, too.

Excerpt )

[info]snakeling in [info]snakelingsrecs

Adam, by Invisible Lift


Title: Adam
Author: [info]invisible-lift
Summary: Ianto has disappeared, but there's someone, or something, left in his place.
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Rating: PG-13


Totally, completely, heart-wrenching. And if the first five parts don't break your heart, the last one will. The ending is happy, mind.

Excerpt )
