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Fic: Requiem for a Bathrobe, NC17 [Sep. 2nd, 2008|11:28 am]

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I wrote Sirius/Severus (with a side of Remus/Sirius) for daily_deviant this month, so I thought I'd share. :-)

Title: Requiem for a Bathrobe
Author: [info]nehalenia
Characters: Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and lurid mention of Kingsley Shacklebolt
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Dub-con (mild); utterly improbable but nonetheless established Lupin/Snape/Black relationship; AU (obviously); Some fighting/wrestling. Also snark, banter, attempts at humor. Despite the est. rel. and my best intentions, there is NO Snupin or 3some sex in this fic. Just Snape/Black and a bit of Remus/Sirius. (Sorry!)
Themes/kinks chosen: Relics
Word Count: 7500
Summary: To Sirius, the threadbare garment smelled of breakfasts with Remus, late nights alone, post-fuck lie-abouts and something warm and soft in a cold, hard place. It smelled like his life. The good parts of it, at least.
Author's notes: Thanks, worship, gladsome tidings and a surfeit of eels to [info]ships_harry and [info]blpaintchart for beta and brit-picking. And I totally stole the Moody/Black mention from this by [info]ships_harry, so another tip of the hat to her. Things you should probably know before you start reading:Snape, Black and Lupin are all living in sin together (not at 12 Grimmauld Place) and and have been for awhile. No, I cannot explain this, and I'm not even going to try.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JKR and whoever owns her and are, regrettably, not mine. This is solely for entertainment purposes and no profit is being earned or sought.

Requiem for a Bathrobe (link to fic on daily_deviant)
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Fools for Love [Aug. 16th, 2008|11:42 am]

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Title: Fools for Love
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
A sequel to: The Bigger Fool
Rating: R
Triad: Severus/Sirius/Remus
Warnings: Infidelity, humor, smut
Summary: Remus doesn’t want to be married to Tonks any longer.
Word Count: 645
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
Written for [info]toxicwasteland1 because she batted her eyes at me.

Fools for Love
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Epilogue [Apr. 5th, 2008|10:22 am]

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Title: Epilogue
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Rating: R
Genre: Slash
Triad Severus/Remus/Sirius and various other pairings.
Warnings: Mentions of twincest
Summary: My version of J.K.R.'s epilogue.
Word Count: 611
A/N: This was brought on by [info]torino10154's question about the epilogue and the sorting hat. My muse wouldn’t let go of it until I complied with her wishes.
Disclaimer: I do not own them. All are owned by J.K.R.

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Fic: Time to Steal Away (Remus/Severus/Sirius, R) [Feb. 12th, 2008|11:28 am]
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Title: Time to Steal Away
Author: Envinyatar (aka [info]envinyatar15)
Pairing: Remus/Severus/Sirius, Severus/Sirius
Rating: hard R
Highlight for Warnings: *threesome, some roughness*
Word Count: 2,018
Summary: Sirius is moody, but he's not someone to keep quiet for long. His feelings change so quickly that one moment he might be sulking in a corner and the next he's laughing his ass off because of a stupid joke someone's been cracking. So when he's been quiet for three whole days, not even in on attacking Snape with James and Peter, Remus starts to worry.
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Full Moon Tonight [Jan. 26th, 2008|12:26 am]
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Full Moon Tonight by English Dane
Harry Potter Verse
Follows Dog Days

Full Moon tonight
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One of Them [Jan. 24th, 2008|11:11 pm]
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One of Them
Noticing a crush, James sets things straight. Snape/Sirius/Remus with a side of James/Peter.
Warnings: Non-con, rimming.
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Fic: NC-17 "The Trick to Seducing Severus" [Jan. 9th, 2008|09:14 pm]

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Title: The Trick to Seducing Severus
Author: red_day_dawning
Pairing: Severus/Sirius/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Warning/s: threesome, anal, oral, dominance/submission, bottom!Snape
Disclaimer: JKR owns it all – I make no money & mean no harm
Author's notes: I tried to write a Severus/Sirius fic, but Remus waltzed in and would not go away, and insisted it was all about Severus & him, and Sirius agreed with him!

I do hope this OK to post here, as it's not a SS/SB, but a threesome, with RL jumping in also. Please remove, or contact me if you think it doesn't belong!

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If You Ask Nicely [Jan. 8th, 2008|06:00 pm]

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Title: If You Ask Nicely
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Threesome: Sirius/Severus/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Time line: Marauders Era
Category: Ficlet
Word Count: 2246
Summary: Remus is fed up with Sirius’ antics.
Warnings: Mentions of Non-con, but none during the sex scene. Rimming, double penetration, bottom Snape, graphic sex.
Disclaimer: I do not own them.

If You Ask Nicely
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Oh Promise Me [Jan. 8th, 2008|05:49 pm]

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Title: Oh Promise Me
Dec. 02
Author: [info]sweetmelodykiss
Fandom: HP
Pairing: RL/SS/SB
Rating: PG-13
Category: Ficlet, Humor
Summary: Harry is angry with Sirius and Remus.
Word Count: 554
Written for: [info]adventdrabbles
Disclaimer: I do not own them.
Warning: Mpreg

Oh Promise Me
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