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Snape-Black Limericks PG- PG-13 [Apr. 29th, 2008|07:45 pm]
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*waves* Here are links to some limericks I've written that feature Sirius and Snape. Most are written pretty gen, but I tend to think that hate!sex is always about to break out when the boys are being nasty to each other.

Alohomora Sirius, Snape PG

Nightmare Sirius/Remus, Snape PG

Which Hex? Sirius, Peter, Lily/James, Snape; PG-13

Slimy Slytherin MWPP, Snape PG

Nose in a Book MWPP (Sirius PoV), Snape PG

What is he? MWPP (Sirius PoV), Snape PG

Did you see what I did? MWPP (Sirius PoV), Snape PG-13

The Prank Sirius, Snape; PG-13

Let's Remember Sirius/Snape; PG-13

Jeers and Sneers Sirius, Snape, Dumbledore; PG-13

Why? Sirius, Harry, Severus; AU PG
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In the Dungeon Dark (SS/SB) NC17 [Feb. 18th, 2008|10:42 pm]

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[Current Location |snowy icy Upper Midwest]
[mood |nostalgic]
[music |CSI: Miami]

Title: Title:
In the Dungeon Dark

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC17
Pairing: SS/SB, other character
Summary: There are many doorways that lead to the Veil and Severus Snape is going to find that not all those behind the Veil stay there.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 4,845
Genre: Dark!Fic, Romance, AU (Alternate Universe), AR (Alternate Reality)
Highlight for Warnings: * Torture *
A/N: Again, stretching the limits in a small way, once again. There’s darkness, but, like the tunnel, there’s a light at the end.

"Chains of rust and a heart so pure, both hidden in Dungeons Dark."
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