Snack Attack - July 4th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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July 4th, 2010

Story search [Jul. 4th, 2010|05:12 pm]
I have been looking for days for a story I read in which Dumbledore "gives" Sirius to Snape to comfort him while he's working as a double agent. Sirius arrives at Snape's house all dressed up and feeling gift-wrapped (and like a whore), but Snape doesn't want him as a sex toy—he wants companionship. There are complications with Lucius and Narcissa and Regulus and his death. Then Voldemort decides to snatch Sirius from Snape as his own sex toy, which doesn't work out at all well for anyone we care about. The story is long-ish and probably fairly old and (as I recall) not set at Hogwarts—and it's enough to tear your heart out. No idea who wrote it, what the title is, or where it was posted. Please, does this ring any bells with anyone?
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