Snack Attack - November 15th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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November 15th, 2008

Shortfic: "Weakness" [Nov. 15th, 2008|07:49 am]
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Title: Weakness
Author: [info]nice_girls_play
Rating: G
Word Count: 366
Prompt: [info]snape100 #255: Bottle Shock
Pairing: Snape/Black
Category: AU, post-DH
Summary: Still life in a married couple's bathroom.

Ten thousand little bottles lined up.. )
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Pumpkins Are Not the Only Fruit--more--lots more--of Sexing the Pumpkin [Nov. 15th, 2008|09:13 am]
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Pumpkins Are Not the Only Fruit (SS/SB, porny, really really long)
dedicated to San Francisco, mi amor.
This is a sequel to Sexing the Pumpkin. You should read that first, or the sex might confuse you.
Summary: Sirius gets vomited out of the Veil, bums around a muggle motorbike shop for a while, then is clued in to the possibility that Snape is living in San Francisco, surfing, carefully constructing his Burning Man costume,* and fending off the remnants of the Death Eater movement.
Warnings: It’s long. It's AU (S & S live), but sorta epilogue compliant. Herein you will find good sex, bad sex, tranny!bits, masturbation, embarrassing prosthetic devices, strippers, drag queens, comatose children, Harry Potter, Harry Potter's (not comatose) children, alcohol, drugs, tandoori chicken, etc. There is mention of, but nothing terribly explicit, Snape/other people. Also, I wrote this in a happy time before Prop 8 passed.

( *Just kidding about Burning Man. Um. Maybe. You'll have to read and find out. )

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