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Apr. 12th, 2009 @ 06:02 pm Sorting Allie

Title: Sorting Allie
Author: [info]littleblackbow
Characters: Alstromeria, McGonagall, Sorting Hat
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Notes: This is more to get this down for the record than anything. ^_^

Sorting Allie )
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Apr. 10th, 2009 @ 04:14 am (no subject)

Title: The Spirit of an Invitation
Author: [info]littleblackbow
Characters: Severus, Harry, Alstromeria
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry is lonely without Jimmy, and pays an unannounced visit, much to
Allie's excitement.
Notes: Written for [info]accioslash's birthday. I know it doesn't make much sense, but... oh well. You know me, I'm much
more comfortable with art than words. :P

The Spirit of the Invitation )
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Mar. 24th, 2009 @ 12:35 pm Late Caller

Title: Late Caller
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Word Count: ~400
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. The HP characters belong to JKR.
A/N: [info]littleblackbow requested a gift for [info]vimeslady set in the Rana's Allieverse. I hope I've done them justice, Rana, and that you enjoy it, [info]vimeslady. :)
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Mar. 19th, 2009 @ 10:05 pm (no subject)

Title: Unguarded
Medium: Pen and ink sketch
Character: Snape
Rating: G
Notes: Years later, Allie has her own camera - perhaps when she's a 4th year? And she snaps this photo of her Daddy.

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Mar. 16th, 2009 @ 02:32 pm (no subject)

Title: Now I lay Thee Down to Sleep... Fathers.
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Medium: watercolor on paper
Characters: Snape, toddler Allie, Harry, baby Jimmy
Notes: In the Allieverse. Two fathers on the same day, same time, a world apart, and yet somehow closer than they realize.

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Feb. 8th, 2009 @ 09:57 am (no subject)
There was something about the way he looked out into the ocean that almost made Harry dizzy. Sure, they'd been down on the beach together hundreds of times; sitting there while the kids collected stones and tossed them into the waves.

But today was different. Harry felt old. Severus looked old. And yet, at the same time, he seemed so young inside.

The ocean crashed against the shore. Allie and Jimmy were squealing as the water chased them up the shore. Then, they'd run back down just as another wave was rearing back, preparing to crash.

Somewhere up above them seagulls called out to one another. The ocean breeze was gentle, the sun was warm, the air was cool, and all around them was the smell of ocean, salt, fish, and seaweed.

It was magical.

Harry cast another warming charm on himself and the man sitting next to him. Severus glanced over at him, then shifted his gaze back to the ocean.

What did he see when he was looking there? Was it the same expanse that everyone else saw? The endless water reaching out to the thin stretch of horizon where it met the infinitely long expanse of grey sky?

"Contentment." The word was whispered, and sounded as if it had been carried out upon the wind. For a moment, Harry wasn't even sure he'd heard it.

Alstromeria came running back up to shore and climbed up into her father's lap. She gave him a tight hug around his neck, then settled in, swinging her legs over his lap. "Come here, Jimmy. There's another leg. Lots of room. An' it's really warm!"

Somehow Harry managed not to smile or snicker.

And then the desire to laugh, or even smile went away. He watched Jimmy climb up and settle in on Severus' lap, saw those arms wrap around both children, and his heart froze inside his chest.

The children were giggling and squirming, and still Severus just stared out into the ocean. It was so bizarre, and yet seemed perfectly natural. After all, it would have been just the way Harry would have wanted to spnd the afternoon.

But just the idea that Severus would be content like this...

"Would you two like to have dinner with us tonight?" Harry asked, looking down at Allie. "I'm making some potato leek soup."

Harry wasn't sure he even heard Allie squeal her answer. She and Jimmy were squirming around on Severus' lap, cheering, chatting, and flailing their arms about.

But all Harry could see was Severus' eyes looking up at him and that thin mouth stretch into a smile.
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Jan. 9th, 2009 @ 06:38 pm (no subject)
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Happy Birthday Snape!

Hooray for Snape. And to celebrate, I've orchestrated my own birthday bash for him!!!

Title(s): Birthday Bash pictures 1-8
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Media: Watercolor, pen and ink, pencil
Warnings: None
Rating: G to PG
Character: Severus Snape!
Artist notes: These are all previously unscanned images. Some were just sketches in my sketchbook that never made it any further, some are portraits I made specifically for his birthday! I have one more to finish, and I'll post that later. I just wanted to get these up in time for his birthday!!

Happy Birthday, Severus Snape!
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Jan. 5th, 2009 @ 10:53 pm (no subject)

Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Medium: Watercolor
Characters: Harry and Snape
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Artist Notes: A commission for [info]bethbethbeth. Honestly, I think it's one of my best watercolors so far. ^_^

Harry and Snape from my Snarry Games Video )
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Dec. 31st, 2008 @ 12:46 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: happy

Title: Cookies and Soup, 2/2
Word Count: 3,000 words of pure, unadulterated fluff.
Characters: Alstromeria, Severus and Elizabeth, an OC.
Disclaimer: I have no claim on the characters or settings created by JKR, and no infringement is intended.

Author's Notes
: The final installment of fluffiness.  Not my best work, but written out of my deep affection for the character of Alstromeria.  Just so you know, I'm not a Snarry writer and I sincerely hope I didn't play too fast and loose with Allieverse canon.  Happy New Year, everyone!

Part Two )
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Dec. 28th, 2008 @ 08:29 am new year tradition
Current Mood: cold

Title: New Year Tradition
Rating :PG
Author: [info]littleblackbow
Word Count: 100 x 2
Written for: [info]snape100 262: New Year's Eve Traditions
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I'm borrowing Snape from JKR and the companies that own her the Harry Potter franchise. Nobody will be paying me for this drabble, and although I might use Alstromeria for future profit, I will not use any HP characters.
Summary: Snape thinks about traditions, and finds a reason for one of them. Unbeta'd. Sorry if it doesn't make sense. This takes place in my "Allieverse" - visit [info]smiths_potters for more info/stories/videos/art in this 'verse.

As Traditions Went... )
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Dec. 21st, 2008 @ 09:16 am (no subject)

Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Medium: Watercolor
Title: Hands
Notes: I don't know where it came from. I just drew it, and it turned out to be something more than I thought it would be.
Still, I like it well enough to post it at this point, and since they're the versions of the characters from this 'verse, I figured it ought to be posted in here.


Image behind cut )
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Dec. 5th, 2008 @ 06:54 am (no subject)
Current Mood: overwhelmed
Current Music: Rivers Of Ice-Simple Minds-Real Life
Tags: ,

I can't get this video out of my head., It just keeps replaying.

It's far more complicated than the other two in terms of the song and how to time the thing. I know how the story progression should go, and the atual images aren't so much complicated, as the emotions. God, I'm trying to draw these emotions and figure out where the timing - how things ought to go... The climax in the song and the climax in the music are strangely off...

I don't know how to explain it. It *should* work, but it's... a little off.

I wanted more time for his transportation from point A to point b.

Don't want to explain too much on that.

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Dec. 4th, 2008 @ 08:25 pm Draco?

I need to figure out Draco in this world.

Trying to think of how to draw him, how to work him in. I have some ideas, but they're just wisping at this point, and there really isn't much resolution.

I've found a song for him. I just need to decide what his social position is, and how the war/loss of his Godfather affected him.

Edit: I think I've figured him out.

Well enough that I can start in on the storyline. I'm sure he'll tell me how he wants things to go. :D
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Dec. 3rd, 2008 @ 11:53 pm My Allie and Jimmy

Before I go back to doing the list of Christmas art I've promised people, I had to do a "complete" set and make an attempt to do a version of Allie and Jimmy (again...image from the first video).  I stole the pink shirt for Allie from LLB's "Homeschooling Allie" because she's adorable in pink.  I won't apologize. :-)  Soon I will terrifyingly attempt to do something original with these characters.


(Yes, LLB, I tried your suggestion to embed the link and it didn't work.  I've managed to occassionally embed things before, but clearly I am IJ impaired.  There may be no hope for me).

Back to artwork of men kissing...I've got gifts to make.

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Dec. 2nd, 2008 @ 07:59 pm A couple of kid questions

Oh Queen of Allieverse, I would like some info...

Exactly "how" old are Allie and Jimmy in your video?  And what color are their eyes?  I don't want to assume from the drawings that they necessarily are the carbon copies of their parents.

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Dec. 2nd, 2008 @ 11:39 am Because Harry was so much fun
Current Mood: happy

I had to try my hand at Snape.  Same thing again; I tackled the first image of him in the first video.  Sorry for not doing the background; my hand was so tired after those gazillion hair strands I didn't have it in me.


(I cannot get embedding to work for me! IJ frustrates the crud out of me!)
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Dec. 2nd, 2008 @ 01:20 pm (no subject)
Title: Cookies and Soup
Author: [info]reallyginnyf 
Word Count: 1800 words of pure fluffliness.
Characters: Alstromeria, Severus and an OC.
Disclaimer: The only thing I own is a sense of deep gratitude to JKR for creating such a wonderful world to play in and such complex characters to play with.
Author's Notes: I fell completely in love with Allie and the Alliverse after watching [info]littleblackbow  's first video. I'm first and foremost an H/C writer and don't do slash, so I immediately envisaged a fluffy little bit of sweetness to enjoy all on my own. I was thrilled when this asylum was created so I would have somewhere to post a story that simply wouldn't leave me in peace. This is part one of a two part story. Thanks, LBB.  *squeezes you*

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Dec. 2nd, 2008 @ 10:19 am (no subject)
Current Mood: sick

Title: Whispers in the Dark
Author: [info]littleblackbow
Word Count: 544
Characters: Severus, Alstromeria
Disclaimer: Allie's mine, Snape is not.
Author's notes: Just had to write out this scene that was plaguing my mind. Now I can get back to what I'm supposed to be doing.

Whispers in the Dark )
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Dec. 1st, 2008 @ 05:31 pm YAY for Potionsmaster's kid!
Current Mood: sick

Title: Homeschooling Alstromeria
Artist: [info]littleblackbow
Medium: Watercolor on paper
Characters: Severus and Alstromeria
Rating: G
Summary: She's made a pretty potion!! :D
Disclaimer: Allie is mine, Snape is still Rowling's, unfortunately -_-

Homeschooling Allie! )
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Dec. 1st, 2008 @ 03:19 pm I just had to have a go at it
Current Mood: accomplished

And it was scary/fun/terrifying at all the same time.  I've NEVER done somebody else's character before.  And to try and keep it faithful to the original while giving it your own spin was a challenge.

I decided to try and recreate the first Harry that appeared in the first video because it was A) just a terrific image of Harry and B) it set the tone for what he would look like and it hit me when I saw it the first time ...Wow!  I'd never seen him captured quite like this and it has influenced how I've tackled adult Harry since.


Hope you think I did littleblackbow's Harry justice.

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