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slytherin100 Challenge # 90 (from LJ) - Brothers and sisters [Aug. 10th, 2009|12:17 am]

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Title: Valkyries in the Chandeliers
Author: red_day_dawning
Characters: Narcissa, Bellatrix.
Challenge: # 90 - Brothers and sisters
Word count: 100 X 2
Rating: Gen
Warning/s: none I can think of
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP characters and settings.
A/N: I would imagine that if Bellatrix had any tenderness within her, it could only be expressed to her little sister. But, in all honesty, I'm not sure the Dementors have left enough of Bella intact to be able to enjoy sisterly play with Narcissa.
Valkyries: In Norse mythology valkyrie (Old Norse valkyrja "chooser of the slain") is one of a host of female figures who choose who will die in battle. The valkyries bring their chosen who have died bravely in battle to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin... (from Wikipedia: Valkyries)

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Hi Lillian. When you return from your break, could you please make a "char: bellatrix" tag? Cheers.
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Prompt: squib - "Squab, squib" [Mar. 13th, 2008|02:04 am]

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Title: Squib, squab.
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: Squib
Word count: 106
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JKR owns all HP characters & settings

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prompt - corruption - "Unblemished, Unflawed" [Feb. 24th, 2008|10:00 pm]


Title: Unblemished, Unflawed.
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: corruption
Character/s: Draco Malfoy
Word count: 2 X ~110 - drabbles
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JKR owns the HP character and settings.

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Drabble prompt - stormy weather - "Rain and sleet and hail" [Feb. 12th, 2008|12:57 am]


Title: Rain and sleet and hail
Author: red_day_dawning
Prompt: stormy weather
Rating: G
Warning/s: none
Disclaimer:  JKR owns it all

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Prompt #9- Hate Potion [Feb. 3rd, 2008|03:18 pm]


Title: Hate Potion
Author: red_day_dawning
Character/s: Severus Snape; (Remus Lupin)
Prompt: #9  - hate potion
Word count: 107
Rating: G
Warning/s: none
Disclaimer: JKR owns all.


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Prompt # 7 - starlight - "As bright as the sun." [Jan. 22nd, 2008|01:26 am]

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Title: As Bright as the Sun.
Regulus Black; Sirius Black
# 7 - starlight
JKR owns all.

Every day, under the bright sun, we walk in starlight.  We call it sunlight, but that’s just a way of saying our star light. 

A star as bright as the sun; as hot as the sun.  Sirius. 

Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.  Sirius, the subject of more legends than any star (except for the sun itself).  Of course he was named Sirius.  He shone so brightly, my glimmer could not be seen.

In the brightness of the day, the sky seems clear of stars.  They are there, present but unseen.

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Fic: Gen - prompt # 6- razor [Jan. 14th, 2008|10:37 am]

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Title: As cutting as betrayal
Author: red_day_dawning
Character/s: Pansy Parkinson
Prompt: #6 – razor
Word count: 97
Rating: Gen
Warning/s: none
Disclaimer: JKR owns all – with these words, I make no money & mean no harm

 Cross-posted at slytherin100 at livejournal.

As sharp as the division between those who were former-Slytherins and those from other Houses.  As cutting as betrayal and disappointment, fear and frustration.   As piercing as hunger in an empty belly, as cutting as winter’s cold chill through clothing now worn thin.  As penetrating as the Sectumsempra spell, the razor-blade was cradled innocently between her thumb and forefinger, glinting brightly in the flickering light of many candles. 

Pansy softly spoke the words that charmed the razor.

Surveying her silky smooth legs, Pansy smirked; she would survive!  A Slytherin’s cunning was sharper than any razor.

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A Sacrifice of a Desk and a Filing Cabinet (#5 hero) [Jan. 8th, 2008|02:05 am]

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Title: A Sacrifice of a Desk and a Filing Cabinet
Millicent Bulstrode; Severus Snape; Remus Lupin
#5 – hero
Word count: 100
JKR owns all -  I make no money & mean no harm
Author’s notes:
Set after the Battle of Hogwarts.  MoM = Ministry of Magic.  Oh, and Snape is alive because of course he didn’t actually die!  As for Lupin, well, it’s just not that easy to kill a werewolf without a silver weapon.


Walking back into Hogwarts to face the NEWTs examiners took a little more courage than Millicent liked to acknowledge.

Walking into the MoM to protest her failing the NEWTs required no extra courage; fueled by her anger, bolstered by the comforting presence of her former Head-of-House and Lupin at her side, Millicent strode proudly into the office.

Her angry words were not required.  Her only role that day was to assist Lupin in calming the Professor.  And a little damage control, although the desk and the filing cabinet were beyond saving.

Thanks to Snape, she did receive all six NEWTs.

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Challenge #4 - futile [Jan. 6th, 2008|07:23 am]

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Title: Closing Doors.
Character(s): Pansy Parkinson, Madam Rosmerta, Millicent Bulsrode, Minister of Magic, a hag
Pansy/Minister; Millicent/Rosmerta (off-screen)
Rating: R (?)
Warning(s): allusions to prostitution
Challenge(s): prompt #4 - futile
Word count: 103
Author's notes: set 2-3 years after the Battle of Hogwarts.

Disclaimer: JKR owns all; I make no money & mean no harm.

Pansy closed the shop-door gently. What she wanted to do was slam it hard, and then hex it into thousands of pieces. For all of the Minister of Magic’s press releases about “the innocence of most Slytherins” no-one wanted to hire a suspected Death-Eater.

Stifling the longing to apparate to The Three Broomsticks, where she knew Rosmerta would fuss over her, for Mill’s sake if no other reason, she reluctantly apparated to her only hope for money.

“Knew you’d be back, dearie”, the hag cackled. “Your regular client is waiting for you.”

“Hello, Shacklebolt”, Pansy said, carefully closing the bedroom door behind her.

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[Dec. 18th, 2007|08:45 am]

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Title: Maze

Author: red_day_dawning

Challenge: maze

Character/s: Millicent Bulstrode; Madam Rosmerta

Pairing/s: Millicent/Rosmerta

Word count: 100

Rating: mild (Gen?)

Warnings: none

Author notes: not beta read. Takes place 1-2 years post-war - no underage stuff!


No less than five men had tried to chat up Rosmerta in the last hour, Millicent knew. She had counted.

Watching the way the woman smiled easily from behind the bar; those lithe and luscious curves; heavy breasts practically tumbling out of her dress; round, curvaceous arse; the gleam of pale skin over her sculptured cheekbones – it was hardly surprising to Millicent that the woman was so desired, by so many people. No, the surprise was the wink Rosmerta gave her, and the unmistakable invitation to go upstairs with her at night’s end.

Romance was a maze, Millicent thought happily.
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Slytherin_100 challenge: Maze [Dec. 17th, 2007|10:24 pm]

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Title: A Beautiful Woman Like You

Author: red_day_dawning

Challenge: Maze – Slytherin_100

Character/s: Millicent Bulstrode; Madam Rosmerta

Pairing/s: Millicent/Rosmerta

Word count: 3 x approx.100

Rating: R?

Warning: mild femme slash; tiny bit of naked caressing

Author’s notes: Takes place 1-2 years after the Battle at Hogwarts; nothing underage.  Posted at Slytherin_100 at InsaneJournal.


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