October 1st, 2007

[info]ratcreature in [info]slothsdraw


Sadly so far overall the community has been much better at living up to the "sloth" part of our name than to the "drawing" part, myself included. *hangs head in shame*

Part of that could be just that the community is still new, and doesn't have many members yet, or just hasn't hit its stride yet, but I also want to make sure that the prompts are what members expect from the community in the first place. I mean, it does take some time to assemble the posts with exercises, and the effort is kind of wasted if they totally miss the mark. Also, this community is intended to be participatory after all, so it's important that the prompts are fun and appeal to as many as possible.

So before posting the next prompts I thought I'd ask for opinions. I can't do polls here, but I'd be grateful if you could anwser in the comments. I organized some feedback options kind of like a poll though, so that you don't feel like you have to write out essays or anything like that (though of course you can, I just want to make giving the feedback easy and quick).

1. If you have joined but not (yet) posted any responses to prompts, is it because:
  • outside factors (e.g. current RL time constraints, random lack of motivation to draw anything, technical problems like a broken scanner...)
  • you found the prompts didn't work for you for some reason
  • a combination of both

2. Having four weeks of past prompts/exercises as sample, are they what you expected when joining and do they work for you, or should those be different somehow? E.g.:
  • are they too exercise-like? I.e. you'd rather have more free-form prompts mixed in (e.g. word prompts like "autumn" or "family" or "pattern" or something vague like that) or maybe challenges?
  • or maybe they are not specific enough?
  • are the topics what you are interested in? If not, what would you most like to practice?
  • are the scans and links helpful enough? too little? or too much extra material?