September 15th, 2010

[info]dennysmore in [info]slashy_hotness

Dark Tales★Bk I: The Invisible Chains★Chapter 51: Anaxantis, by the Right of Arms

Title: Dark Tales of Randamor the Recluse - Book I: The Invisible Chains
Author: [info]eurypon
Format: Novel - Original characters
Length: Chapter: 10 510 words - Total: 422 912 words (September 8th, 2010)
Status: Complete
Rating: NC-17 - M - M/M Slash
Warnings: Violence, incest, rape, non-con, domination may all occur in varying degrees

Chapter 51: Anaxantis, by the Right of Arms

Guess what happens in the end...

It is one month after the Battle of the Zinchara.

Lorcko visits Timishi at the place where the capital of Wolf Mukthars is being built. We also get a glimpse of Ambrick. Both Trysulda, First Daughter of the Order of the Great Goddess and Emelasuntha receive surprising letters form the warlord. The High King as well receives a report and discusses it with his two oldest sons, Tenaxos and Portonas.

And finally Anaxantis and Ehandar...

Link: Ximerion