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[19 Nov 2018|06:00am]
looking to join ~celeb, ~adds, ~biography, or ~noter as ezra miller (slash) would anyone be willing to apply with me as another actor, musician, model, etc? older/younger? faces don't really matter me! i'll even do a psl!
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[19 Nov 2018|06:27am]
looking for a long term slash line to take somewhere or do a psl
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[19 Nov 2018|10:01am]
Looking for shippy lines for Crowley at [info]reconsider.

I would absolutely love love LOVE a John Constantine (from Legends of Tomorrow) for my Crowley! He's only two days into his new digs and everyone seems to hate him already which sucks :( I am looking for a shippy thing with a Constantine that we can discuss if you're interested.

On that same vein, I would love a shippy thing with a Lucifer or a Michael (preferably Michael with Jeffrey Dean Morgan FC because it would really get under the in game Sam and Dean's skins no doubt). Would also love Chuck, Azazel, Alastair, Cain, Kevin, anyone that would be interested in an enemies-turned-friends-turned-lovers deal with Crowley. Help a bugger out, he's lonely.

Please hit me up here if you are interested.
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[19 Nov 2018|04:02pm]
looking for a dom/top for this guy! i have a lot of different ideas for it.
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[19 Nov 2018|06:27pm]
[info]where tinder dates, a couple exes, guys he's hooked up with in the past.
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We're back! [19 Nov 2018|09:03pm]
Just looking for a few more hot dudes to come play with us! Check the journal for more info.
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[ viewing | November 19th, 2018 ]
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