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[14 Nov 2018|01:48am]
Any RP communities looking for a Crowley? i tend play him a little bit on the darker side but i'm willing to tone it down a little if wanted. predominantly looking for slash lines for him but i'd just love to know if any RP communities would welcome him. :)

Not sure if I'm doing this right either, it's been a while since I've RPed on IJ but I have been RPing Crowley for 5+ years on Tumblr. ;)
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[14 Nov 2018|10:50am]
[info]where Friends, ex's of the male variety, former military, first responders, current flings, a bff.
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[14 Nov 2018|01:19pm]
Does anyone out there play Joaquin from Riverdale? I'm also looking for Jughead Jones, Kevin Keller. I'll take cross overs to. This ad is also cross posted.
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[14 Nov 2018|01:55pm]
[info]blackdawn lines of all kind for this free (runaway) human while I get his bio done.
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[14 Nov 2018|02:20pm]
check the journal.
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[14 Nov 2018|04:09pm]
Well... with the game [info]fangsters already closed and dead before opening, anyone up for a PSL with this Sebastian Stan witch?
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[14 Nov 2018|09:21pm]
Thinking of taking this guy over to [info]indiepromotion. Would anyone be interested in tagging along? It’s a purely wrestling comm. Kink friendly. Comments screened.
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[ viewing | November 14th, 2018 ]
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