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[08 Nov 2018|05:51am]
something long-term for sharon needles, not picky on who i play her against.
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[08 Nov 2018|07:20am]
an older male c-boy as his girlfriend’s dad for a line?
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[08 Nov 2018|03:46pm]
Slash lines for Barry Allen? A Rogue would be fun, but I'm open to any DCTV guys (and potentially crossovers). Kinks are a definite plus.
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[08 Nov 2018|06:58pm]
Just heard about the new Cassian series and now I’m craving something with an AU Rogue One flair. Or just Diego in space in general.
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[08 Nov 2018|08:52pm]
home or psl?
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[08 Nov 2018|09:42pm]
[info]coastline an ex or two with maybe the potential to hook up every now and then but not for a rekindled romance, mild drama or not, etc.
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[ viewing | November 8th, 2018 ]
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