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[22 Oct 2018|12:33am]
any supernatural lines for a younger sam winchester? set before he runs away to college and is still in the hunting game with his family. would love au hunters, creatures, or canon characters. i'd love to find something long term with lots of writing!
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[22 Oct 2018|08:48am]
So I'm pretty obsessed with the new Twenty One Pilots album. Specifically their videos. I think it'd be fun to play a version of the guys in the world they created, or our interpretation of it. Something with a nice blend of plot, boy love, and world building. Oh, and probably lots of some agnst.

I'm leaning more towards playing Josh but I'm down for either!
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[22 Oct 2018|05:28pm]
Need more friends on discord! Who else writes there?
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[22 Oct 2018|07:47pm]
a pre-gas jeremiah for something slow burn and full of tension? or something else for bruce wayne?
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[22 Oct 2018|09:10pm]
Does anyone slash Jai Courtney and would be willing to work out a PB line to take somewhere?
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[22 Oct 2018|10:33pm]

I know I'm way late to the party but following a birthday gift of a ridiculous amount of Avengers themed yaoi manga from a friend of mine I now am feeling EXTRA inspired to explore a Bucky/Steve SL. A VERY dirty one at that!

I'd be willing to play either for some sexy sexy fun between these two. I'll probably make a new journal for the line-because I am just like that.

Oh! And if anyone needs some inspiration, I scanned a few pages-totally not safe for...well much of anywhere, least of which work-ha-here they are:

Comment there or here if you can dig it.
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[ viewing | October 22nd, 2018 ]
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