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[17 Oct 2018|12:38am]
Deku for this explosion disaster? Aged up, or during UA years. If there is any interest in ABO or AU-verses I'd love to discuss those possibilities as well. Comment here or in the journal!
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[17 Oct 2018|01:47am]
exboyfriends and/or other camboys should come to [info]gvil.
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[17 Oct 2018|01:54pm]
Anything for this strapping hairy man?

e.t.a.: thanks all! i've got all the threads i can juggle at the moment. rain check?
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[17 Oct 2018|02:45pm]
Would love a Halloween party slash hookup line playing a guy that lost a bet and has to dress up as "sexy" Little Red Riding Hood. Your guy would be dressed as the big bad and decide to have Little Red for dinner.

This line could be dubious consent but doesn't have to be.
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[ viewing | October 17th, 2018 ]
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